In a Blond State of Mind.

Every now and then I'm a true believer in a woman's right to change her mind. This is one of these times.
I've passed along my hair stories more than once.
To catch everyone up my own hair has now grown down over my ears and I can actually feel it on my neck and bare back if I tilt my head back at all.
Much of my thought pattern these days is what color I should go to first on the wonderful day when I can get my hair styled and colored.
Over the past months, I was a big believer in presenting in a uniform manner with a consistent style and hair color.
I settled on a dark look which you see a picture of at the top of this blog. The picture was taken not long ago.  In addition I have a couple other wigs of approximately the same color although the other two were straight hair and one was shorter in length.
The only time I varied was I was a redhead on new years eve.
As I become closer to decision time, I have decided to try the blond style a try again.
The blond style I have is longish and straight and could be described as an "ash blond" in color show it's not a real showy blond and is closer to being age appropriate. (whatever that is!)
The next step is to run it past BFF and see what she thinks.
It's sort of ironic when I come to a point where I think experimentation is over, it may be just beginning!
