Saturday, August 3, 2013

A Night on the Porch

I wrote a short post here in Cyrsti's Condo Thursday about the "Equality Springfield" (Ohio) meeting I was going to that night. As most community meetings go in a lull of any real activity, it was sparsely attended.

We discussed the fate once again of yet another anti LGBT anti discrimination bill stalled in the Ohio Republican controlled senate. Past that, the meeting moved quickly through ideas of who we would support in Springfield elections this fall and other committee work.  Adjournment came quickly- a good thing!

On the way out to my car, the defacto organizer of the group ran up and said I was invited to help destroy a bottle of wine with a few other friends on his front porch. I was elated.  Obviously I was being accepted - at the least as their new "not so silent" T.  I did make sure I reminded the group to get past their gay and lesbian  only stance. If I was sitting in front of them, certainly there were more of my transgender sisters and brothers hanging around out of sight.

An hour or so later as the mosquito's descended in droves, the real meeting adjourned and I had made three or four new solid acquaintances in the process.

Mission accomplished!

Cyrsti's Condo Quote of the Day

"Never and forever are big words. As soon as you use them, you are doomed to live them."

Cyrsti Hart

Mo Cyrsti's Condo Makeovers

I love to "discover" and pass along what I consider to be the "natural" boy to girl transformation video's I find.
By "natural" I mean less of a drag queen look and it's no secret that naturally pretty boys make naturally beautiful women.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Cross Dressing In Japan

There is a site I've featured before here in Cyrsti's Condo called RocketNews 24. 
The site has been known to do several outstanding features on the Japanese cross dressing scene, including transgender and transsexual women. Here's an excerpt:

"Cross dressing in mainstream media of Japan is still somewhat in its infancy. While on a nightly basis you can easily catch a crossdresser or transsexual person on TV, they often are presented as 2D characters offering little insight to who they really are or why they lead such a life. “Transgender” and “gay” are still synonymous to many people, but this is a situation that is steadily changing with greater awareness provided by works such as Yuri Danshi which was released on 31 July, and covers nine cross-dressing men in a wide range of styles and fashions from girl-next-door to gyaru. Otoko no ko is a term used to refer to crossdressing men who have innate feminine characteristics and enjoy dressing in clothes typically reserved for females. These are the types of cross dressers which the creator of Yuri Danshi, Naoko Tachibana wants to focus on for this book."

Also, Naoko Tachibana is a seasoned pro at transforming all types of men into women from her studio in Akihabara boasting upwards of 600 customers. Aside from her artistic talents she continuously supports the transgendered by trying to open doors for them."

Head on over to the site for more here.

Cyrsti's Condo "Make Up Tips of the Day"

I enjoy picking up "bits and pieces" of You Tube boy to girl makeover videos.  Most don't really apply (no pun intended) to me in the everyday transgender life I live but I do watch for brands, trends etc.  What I noticed immediately from this transformation were the eyebrows. I thought "Whoa!", a little heavy there girl but overall he knew what he was doing. The hint is to be able to judge what look you are going for before you add your hair in for the final touches. It changes everything. You may think you are too heavy with your eye makeup or whatever, until your hair is in place.

Time to shut up and pass along the video:

Mo Super Powers

I certain person I know wanted me to add a couple more of my super powers to Cyrsti's Condo.

I can be a huge pain in the rear.
I can be a huge pest.
I can be a little "scattered".

There, are you happy?

Can't a girl have a few flaws? :)

Speaking of scattered, (not me this time sillies)  here's a video for you. NOT PG rated in the language department.  Get the kids from out of in front of the computer and turn on SheZow for them!

What's the T?

Check this trailer on the Cysrti's Condo big screen:

Cyrsti's Condo Thought of the Day

"Are you less popular with more life insurance the longer you live?"

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Super Human Powers?

Come on now, have you thought an "itty bitty bit" about what sort of "superhuman" powers you may want? How about a figure to match a "Wonder Woman" costume at Halloween, or how about a "SheZow" super ring which turns you into a female super hero everytime you say "you go girl"?

That's all right, it's your secret and we won't tell!

Now it seems the folks at theFrisky have taken this idea a step further and tied your superpower possibilities in with your Astrological sign. We Libra's did well!  :

"Libra–Shape Shifting. Your ability to change shape allows you to adapt to any situation, environment, or group of people. This power allows you to experience life in many different forms."

I like it!!! If I have your curiosity and want to know your superpower, go here.

Transgender Instincts

Image from Atich Bana  on Unspalsh.   First, I need to apologize for missing a post yesterday. I went to my primary provider at the local Ve...