Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A Femulate Warning

Go here to read it!!!!

Cyrsti's Condo Mail Box

It was a great day in the response department and my staff of 50 has been struggling to keep up! When I opened my email this morning I was greeted by a wonderful letter from Jessica in France. As I told her I was humbled and flattered following her opinion of this effort...Thanks Jessica!

Rest assured, praise is nice and this little ol eight grade educated Ohio transgender girl is happy when any of you stop by! Let's see now, we have a London, Ohio down the road. How far away can France really be? :)

Seriously, I am flattered too when other highly visible people in the trans community drop by as Brianna Austin did to leave a comment on my Mentally Ill post:
 "Normal is as normal does Forest Gump said, as did Sally Field when she appeared with Johnny Carson some years back, which was the thought behind my essay Defining Normal. Take a look and let me know what you think. Here."

The post brings up many compelling looks at the true lack of normality and is certainly worth your time.
For the moment I would like to add  Normal to me would have been waking up in the morning knowing what gender I was.. Since it never happened, being transgender became my norm once I accepted it.

And then one of my favorite contributors to this cosmic collection of gender flux is Jamiegottagun and brings it to many discussions!
In many ways she comments on subjects which I am too lazy or lose interest in to go deeper in my posts. You all have to remember I share attention spans with young kids!
At any rate Jamie commented on PMS . To paraphrase she said her male appearing body produces female hormones naturally so most months experiences a non menstrual period. (Which I knew does exist in genetic women too and the fact many men do have a monthly period.) I posted her full comment on the blog itself.
You see, many times you all are very helpful with information.
I also want to go out on a very thick limb here and state the full menstrual process is similar to the rest room card. If a genetic women is insecure about herself she may play them on you!

Finally! The fun comment- again from Jamie mentioning my  Monica Roberts and the Tea Baggers post.
Yes Jamie I do read some of Monica's "stuff" as well as some of the "stuff" from Rad Fems etc.
I'm a firm believer in the rants from the right and left perhaps we can find a middle point,
I have to tell you if I was a Black American in this country today, I would agree more in her criticism of the Republican Party.
Also, I do wonder what happened to all those fervent T Party rallies which used to frequent my conservative part of the country?
Then again, I was the one person in my unit in the military who would admit to voting for McGovern over Nixon.  When my tour was up I told them "Mark my words...Nixon's a crook."
As far as Monica being a bigot? Hell yes!
For all I know, she will stop in and blast me!!!!

Thanks All!!!!!

Moving to Japan?

You may want to after checking this video:

Monday, August 20, 2012

Tea Anyone?

I picked this up from the TransGriot Blog by Monica Roberts.
Being a trans woman of color (Monica not me) I can sense where's she is coming and it is sad we are heading into such a polarizing election.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who has noticed the extreme lack of minorities around Romney and his boy Ryan.
That in itself does not have to be a deciding factor. After all can't the Republican Party roll out Colin Powell again?
Seriously, aren't the Tea Party ideals something we can all live with? Less government, regulations and taxes to name a few?
The problems with the "T" peeps take me back more than just a decade to the 60's and early 70's when we were talking about the whole system being rigged.
However! I'm afraid all those self righteous T rally's went the way of the payoff.
If you want to see what's wrong with the system, start by checking how many high powered peeps recently have that Yale degree.
Romney is a big change though. He only has a Harvard Law Degree- but wait-so does Obama and where's that pesky birth certificate?
My only point is once again we have to vote for the better of two elitist Ivy League candidates. The truth is we all have to stay away from the veritable tone of political BS coming from both parties and do our own research and hope the rest of the electorate is intelligent to do it too.
The bottom line is the public political smokescreens are set up to divert all of us from what's good for our country and families.
Some of us are running out of time to pass down any sort of a stable country to our kids and grand kids.
I can't and won't try to tell you how to vote. I'm just saying please do it right!

Please don't send me specific political comments about candidates and positions. If you do you missed the point of this post. Thanks!

Zagria and the History of Trans

Filed away in the back of my closet with all those fashion mistakes I have made over the years is my college history degree.
To this day, I remain extremely interested in several historical periods and persons.
For this reason (among others) if you (like me) are interested in  trans culture history, here's one of a couple places you can go for wonderful information: A Gender Variance Who's Who by Zagria.
Follow my blog roll link to read her latest post about Herbert Beeson!

This Says It All

Navigating the world as a non-binary transgender awesome little person. Yet another VERY interesting view of the world...go here to see more


It seems more and more transgender or androgynous models are being seen around the world. Check this video from....Japan....of course! And another picture of Choi Han-bit, a transsexual Korean model who will be appearing in season three of Korea's Top Model


Here we go friends! Yet another aggressive Horror-Scope... Libra..."By nature, you are a visual person. You care about aesthetics and anyone who is going to write it off as just being shallow doesn’t get you. We all have different quirks and yours is beauty—and your definition of it. Typically, you are a bit more fashion-forward than the masses, and anyone who doesn’t recognize that can go ahead and think themselves ugly."
Photo: Venus Demars, "Horror-Scope" from the Frisky

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Ru Paul Hates Us

Here is more proof Ru Paul is out to trash the world.
Sharon Needles who one season four of Ru Paul's Drag Race. Shown left. And my favorite view of Paul.

Transgender Instincts

Image from Atich Bana  on Unspalsh.   First, I need to apologize for missing a post yesterday. I went to my primary provider at the local Ve...