Showing posts with label Harvard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Harvard. Show all posts

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Jazz Jennings

Transgender teenager Jazz Jennings has announced that she will be taking a gap year before attending Harvard in order to 'focus on self-care' after a busy year that has seen her undergoing gender confirmation surgery - while documenting it on her reality TV show. 
The South Florida native, 18, took to the platform to share her personal decision. The TV and YouTube personality said that deciding to take a break wasn't an easy call to make, but ultimately she thought it right to 'refocus and recenter' in order to be the 'strongest version' of herself. 
The I Am Jazz star graduated valedictorian from her high school this summer and was due to start at the Ivy League university this Fall. While she has previously expressed the desire to pursue a career in advocacy, she has not yet revealed what major she is taking. 

It's hard to believe Jazz is only 18! 

Friday, June 7, 2019

All that Jazz

This quote from new Harvard student Jazz Jennings reportively  about a year removed from her genital realignment surgery has a lot to say:

 "I just know in my heart that the world is getting better and better and that change is being created. So stay hopeful, stay strong, and just continue being yourself, because one day, everyone will allow you to be your true self.” 

Monday, August 20, 2012

Tea Anyone?

I picked this up from the TransGriot Blog by Monica Roberts.
Being a trans woman of color (Monica not me) I can sense where's she is coming and it is sad we are heading into such a polarizing election.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who has noticed the extreme lack of minorities around Romney and his boy Ryan.
That in itself does not have to be a deciding factor. After all can't the Republican Party roll out Colin Powell again?
Seriously, aren't the Tea Party ideals something we can all live with? Less government, regulations and taxes to name a few?
The problems with the "T" peeps take me back more than just a decade to the 60's and early 70's when we were talking about the whole system being rigged.
However! I'm afraid all those self righteous T rally's went the way of the payoff.
If you want to see what's wrong with the system, start by checking how many high powered peeps recently have that Yale degree.
Romney is a big change though. He only has a Harvard Law Degree- but wait-so does Obama and where's that pesky birth certificate?
My only point is once again we have to vote for the better of two elitist Ivy League candidates. The truth is we all have to stay away from the veritable tone of political BS coming from both parties and do our own research and hope the rest of the electorate is intelligent to do it too.
The bottom line is the public political smokescreens are set up to divert all of us from what's good for our country and families.
Some of us are running out of time to pass down any sort of a stable country to our kids and grand kids.
I can't and won't try to tell you how to vote. I'm just saying please do it right!

Please don't send me specific political comments about candidates and positions. If you do you missed the point of this post. Thanks!

No Struggle no Progress

  Image from UnSplash. Basically, when it comes to doing anything really important in life, to progress you need to struggle. As far as bein...