Friday, July 13, 2012

Trans Positives!!

TransActive is an internationally recognized non-profit focused on serving the diverse needs of transgender (TG) and gender nonconforming (GNC) children, youth, their families and allies.

Check it out here.

Jumping Transgender Fences

Perhaps you have heard the term "hitting the wall".
SPLAT! Sometimes you see the wall, sometimes you don't.
Some of you transsexuals can speak to a different level of the wall meaning surgery and all the ramifications.
All of the rest of us, transgender or cross dresser of course have a different set of walls.
Is your wall a closet?  Perhaps you are taking tentative steps into the public's eye.
Then again, you could be making your way through hormonal effects to your body such as I.
Once of the most rewarding parts of the cyber world is establishing contact with individuals of like experiences. I recently cyber met a person of the same age and transition who was working on moving partially to a warmer climate. I replied the way the very hot summer has effected me this summer on hormones, I'm looking north to the Yukon! Her reply was the cold has effected her more on the hormones.
So, here I am looking dead ahead another of my walls.  I'm heading out today to my VA clinic to actually set down and state my case for further coverage. (I have written in depth and won't bore you.) I'm not going to put a lot of extra drama into this visit. This whole journey is an trip through an obstacle course and usually there are ways around walls that are too high to scale.
Let's see, it is Friday the 13th and I own a black cat who is happy to see me when I feed her- it's a great day for a trip to the VA!


"A quick correction to your post: The lovely mother's blog linked above (Transparenthood) is cited incorrectly. "The Boy Suit" and other stories about Alice can be found at That bit aside, thank you for sharing this bit of Alice's story with your readers."

- Alice's Mom (aka Laurustina)

OK, I can't resist the chance to write again of how special Laurustina is. First of all of course is her acceptance of her daughter. The second is developing the platform to educate others!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Quote of the Day

You can't get addicted to adrenalin if there isn't any.

Transgender Model

Lauren Foster was born in South Africa and is one of the world's most recognized transsexual women, having been one of the first to pose for Vogue Mexico in the 1980's. She began transitioning in her teens and by 17 she was undergoing hormone therapy and living full-time as a female. At the age of 18 she underwent sex reassignment surgery, which was performed by world renowned surgeon Derk Crichton.

The Transgender Number

One of our regular readers and a very good friend of mine followed up my "Transgender Number" post with a couple well thought out comments.
Here is one:

"In some twisted way I find humor in this. If science doesn't understand something it becomes a disorder. I think the only disorder about things is that we can't realize that somethings just are. There doesn't have to be a reason. I don't think it was a mistake of nature or anything like that. I think it is merely a path that we have to take in our existence in order to grow our spirit.

It doesn't matter what your religious following is, we all believe in a higher power regardless of what name you use for it. If that power encompasses all of us then it only makes sense that we would have to take this path at sometime. I think we are meant to grow to better understanding. Let's just follow this path and see where your heels and my wingtips take us." (Draco is FtM)

Thanks Draco for your thoughts and I sooooo agree!
Without getting too deep into religion, if you do believe in an inner spirit or soul of any kind it is not a huge reach to attach a basic gender to it.
If indeed that spirit does not match the body, then the problems appear with society trying to pound us into our "proper" gender roles.
You my friend are far overdue in setting your inner spirit free!

The Power of Hormones!

I especially love the choice of music!

Happiness Is!

My appointment yesterday with my VA psychologist went extremely well. (I'm a transgender veteran.)
My hours with her have been incredibly pleasant and to give a few of you new visitors (Thanks!!!) a quick history: This process was the required start to my hormone journey (HRT) through the Veteran's Administration which started last October.
The particular "warm and fuzzies" came when she commented several times how far she could see the hormones have taken me and she could see how happy I was.
No matter how much fun vanity is on occasion, my real reason for the visit was to connect more dots within the VA to not have to go to an outside provider.  If I do have to go outside again, I feel the system should support me since no service is available in my center.
The good news was the center is expected to add an endoctrinist who can prescribe and monitor hormone therapy. I also learned of the in house "Advocate" who I'm going to contact today. She is the specific person I can explain my problems to and see if she comes up with a resolution.
My therapist also told me the whole center is undergoing transgender training.  In part it explains why the last time I called, the person I talked to knew immediately which direction to send me. No transfers-no!
So today it's back on the offensive with the Advocate.  Sounds like a TV show? (no pun attended)
I'll let you know!

Quote of the Day

This comes from TG Forum.
Starlitjessi wrote:
The only person you're guaranteed to spend the rest of your life with is yourself.  Shouldn't that person be the one you spend the most time in your life trying to make happy?

By the way, TG Forum has been one of the longest transgender sites in existence (1994).

Finding your Happy Place as a Trans Girl

Image from Trans Outreach, JJ Hart As I negotiated my way through the gender wilderness I was in, I needed to reach out at times to find mom...