Friday, June 8, 2012

A Huge Dose of Male Privilege

What would the "Rad Fem's" say? Or even the Rad Trans Fem's?
I was privileged this week to work on a long put off plumbing project in my old house!
What was I thinking?
I learned how much I have missed the very male part of my life which involved crawling around on the floor and in walls doing plumbing!
About 4 pm today, I was thinking just how privileged I was to have been born male.
Actually (another tip from a close friend) I am privileged. She has pointed out on more than one occasion I should appreciate experience not from a gender viewpoint but from a life viewpoint.
Sure, a plumbing project may not be my ideal but it had to get done and as she said I was lucky I knew how to do it.
So-would I be subjected to a double standard by the "Rad Peeps"?
After all, if a genetic female works on plumbing she is pushing the bounds of the female experience. If I'm doing it, it's my male privilege.
I feel almost as good about exercising my privilege as the first flow of water coming out of the faucets!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Back in It-I think!

In the last week or so I have had a real tough time getting my computer to work it's magic here in "Cyrsti's Condo".
Not being "techno girl" and knowing just enough computer knowledge to be dangerous, I think I may have gotten some of the "bugs" out of here and should be able to do more posting.
As far as the real world goes (or what I perceive it to be), the hormones seem to be stepping up the game a little. "The girls" have gone through another phase of soreness and hardness. My hips and rear are adding some flesh and definitely hot flashes aren't my best summertime girl friends.
The most interesting change to me so far is how my body skin has started to dry out so to speak.
I've used more body lotion/moisturizer in the last month than in my whole life.
Other than that, my life is pretty well passing for normal. Pretty neat comparison, right?
So, the two next summer milestones are the doctors appointments. As of yet, I have not heard back on my VA appeal and some actual work on my own hair later this summer.
Little did I know as little as eight months ago how routine this all has become.
Much of the progress I attribute to several close friends who have unwaveringly accepted my transgender status.
Most read this blog and I can't ever begin to say how much it means!

It is What it Is

Then again it may be to you but not to the person next to you. Sure, we are all humans and all different. No real problem with that until someone decides to not respect your difference
For transgender or transsexual folk-this is particularly true. We live it.
Jillian Page writes a very interesting blog for the "Montreal Gazette" .
Her latest post "My Identity, My Right" (in a round about way) addresses the "It is what it is" dynamic.
Jillian begins with a mention of recent progress made in Argentina — which allows people to change name and sex based simply on how they feel, without any forms of approval from anyone else.
Here's the good part:
 " I wish to remind all of my trans readers and their supporters that you don’t owe the general public any explanations or apologies for your transgenderism or transsexualism. Religious fundamentalists, RadFems et al are entitled to their opinions about trans stuff — to a point — but those opinions are irrelevant: You owe them nothing.There’s no need to try to convert them to your way of thinking, or to tell them to mind their own business. Just hit the “ignore” key, literally or figuratively, when their negativity gets you down.
Of course, when it comes to being oppressed by people who oppose transgenderism, that’s another matter. Then it’s time to take a stand. But trans people already know that . . . Smiles . . . You are doing very well, sisters and brothers. You are making progress by leaps and bounds.

So it is what it is- if you believe!
Thanks Jillian.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Trans World Bloggin

Is it good or bad when a large portion of the transgender - transsexual news yesterday was the announcement that Janet Jackson was going to produce some sort of documentary on the "plight" of trans women and men around the world.
While I have deep suspicions of her true motives (outside of money), I guess if it is well done the old saying could be true. Any publicity is good publicity. What makes me uneasy is the unspoken connection between this project and her brother Micheal. At the least, his sexuality and gender was very ambiguous. I'm just afraid of the trans culture being tossed into the "fond of young kids" culture.
Bottom line is, Janet didn't call me about this!
On the positive side, I have discovered a great little blog by "Michelleliana" called "Transgender Talk"
Her latest post on the path to coming out at work is very informative and involves the curse of the bathroom! (Really?)
Whoever thought, peeing would reach such a point of substance?
Or not as I found out Saturday during my first visit as a woman to a festival "Port-A-John". A chance to experience unisex at it's best and worst.
The good news?  It was early in the day and the "John" was "fresh" and no potential sensitivities were disturbed in a mostly non reactive public. Everyone's equal in that line! .
More good news? I wont go into "Port a John" experiences that are pretty negative from the viewpoint of both genders but REALLY negative from a female one.
I have a female friend who takes great pleasure in saying "welcome in sister"! Ha-Ha.

Monday, June 4, 2012


Libra (September 23- October 22)
Who said compromise is easy? You certainly have done enough of it in your life to know the ins and outs of the frustration it can cause, but this week, as you reach a new crossroad, expect visions to get blurred, making it unclear which path to pursue. Choices will be plenty, each bringing their own strings. However, if you have the patience to undo those knots, peace of mind is possible.

Far be it for me to read any "gender" references into this!
"Horro-Scope" from the Frisky .

Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Transgender Future is Today.

Do you remember a year or so ago, the story of a young transgender girl in Oklahoma went public?
Or if you are like me, remembering yesterday is a stretch.
At any rate, Katie is now 17 and is graduating high school and here is the story of a young girls bravery to be herself!

Katie Hill is a transgender teen from Bixby whose story was chronicled in an award-winning Tulsa World series in May 2011, “Becoming Katie.”
photo - Katie Hill, left, and her boyfriend look at a text as they attend a party for Katie at Openarms Youth Project in Tulsa. Katie recently graduated from high school, turned 18 and went to California to have surgery.
Katie Hill, left, and her boyfriend look at a text as they attend a party for Katie at Openarms Youth Project in Tulsa. Katie recently graduated from high school, turned 18 and went to California to have surgery.

BIXBY — The graduating seniors at Bixby High School walk to their seats in the Mabee Center under a sword salute by the Marine Corps Junior ROTC students of Lt. Col. Randy Hill’s class.
Fashion among Bixby’s senior class girls dictates many wear neon-hued platform stilettos with their Spartan blue graduation gowns and caps.
About one-third of the way through the alphabet, Hill’s daughter, Katie, glides across the stage, and the school administrators offer her a steadying hand down the stairs, as they do for every senior girl — even though Katie is wearing sparkly flat sandals.

Sunday Morning Dawn

Back in the day, the only way I saw the dawn was from the "other side" of it. Otherwise known as being up all night from working or partying.
This morning was different- a chance for my old dog and I to sit on my porch and watch west as the brightening sky extinguished the string of street lights I could see.
I live on a very busy three lane street so this was a rare chance to experience a time when the loudest sound on this Sunday morning were the birds.
So here I was. Entering six months of hormone replacement therapy on my porch in girl jeans, shoes and t-shirt. Times are a changing. I reach for just some comfortable casual clothes for myself and dog (she doesn't care) and they are female.
Timing is everything and this morning was a great time to just sit and think.
In the next couple of months, I have my next series of doctors appointments coming up. It's time for my regular VA Doc to give me a check up and my private physician to check my hormone situation.
As my very perceptive gf asked yesterday "Was I going to ask for an increase in dosage?"
Yes I am. It's an actually very easy decision. I love the changes I'm going through and the pace I have done it.
My Sunday morning dawn was just a time to check my own soul and one more very important point.
As I enter the last phase of my life (I'm 62), it's important to realize my mortality. I want to believe in Heaven and I do believe we create our own hell. The only fact I know is certain, it's important for me not to take any dawns for granted!

Early Morning Musings from a Transgender Mind

Number one, I am sooo glad Angel that you and I are on the same page with Barry from Storage Wars. (Former quote of the day).
I thought about providing a link but then thought you may think lesser of my television reality viewing habits. Let's see, where's that remote-I could be missing American Pickers or Pawn Stars.
Maybe I should tell you that it's four in the morning in my world, so even my 2000 channels of television are not producing a wealth of viewing enjoyment. Then again, the Science Channel is featuring a show trying to prove there is intelligent life out there in the universe. Aggravate the aliens and BOOM!
Then again, I'm wondering what the hell I'm doing up anyhow?
Could be the injection of different gender hormones or the changes of age OR the pure excitement of catching the very end of Arlo Guthry's "Alice's Restaurant". Again, I'm not going to bore you with a link. It's just a old hippie movie for old hippies.
Speaking of old hippies, this one had a fabulous day browsing a huge art show yesterday in Cincinnati with a girlfriend.  In many ways it was a day of wonder and sensory overload.
The amazing selection of created ceramics, jewelry, sculptures and photography was simply out of this world. (Damn aliens)
 I have so much respect of creators of art. Wow! Where does that God given talent come from? Nice!
I was having a wonderful day with a wonderful person, so even the wonder of just being my own boring transgender self didn't even matter.
All right, enough of that. Did you know we all have extra DNA? Yes! What is it for? "We doesn't know it!"
It could be those pesky aliens implanted us all! To think all this time, I was blaming it on my parents!
Here's a thought. What if the aliens have progressed to a essentially genderless state? OMG gender morphing aliens? How's that idea for a Sunday morning radical bible thumping preacher's sermon? The snakes would be getting restless in the back of the church or did I watch too much of the Hatfield & McCoys?
Maybe I am a product of some of that unused DNA or then again a tired restless mind at 4 AM. Now if Swamp People" was on, life would be better!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Quote of the Day

"Technically you aren't late until you arrive."
I love this quote and it isn't even mine!
I will pass it along to those of you (and me) who have been hammered by some in our community for transitioning late in life.

Real Life Impostors

JJ Hart at Key Largo.  At various times in my life, I have suffered from impostor's syndrome when I was out with other women celebrating...