Showing posts with label rad fems. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rad fems. Show all posts

Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Ego of Transition

I don't pretend to play or think in the arena of transgender icon's such as Janet Mock who recently released a new book called Redefining Realness.  Of course, her recent interview with Piers Morgan stirred up controversy as did Katie Couric with Laverne Cox and Carmen Carerra.  Both Morgan and Couric to a degree wanted to focus on the mechanics of transition rather than the person involved.

My question is, isn't that a huge reason we can't get along well in our own community? How many times have you seen me use the term Trans Nazi to describe someone who feels they should move to the head of the line just because of money expended and pain suffered? I know for sure, there have been cross dressers who have felt I would be the same way, simply because I live a feminine life; and let's not forget the usual genitalia questions I always get.  So, I guess I'm in the same boat and did all the uproar help me?

That's the world today, right?  What's in it for me?  Don't get me wrong. I get sick and tired of being asked about what is between my legs, I can only imagine what it would be like for Carmen, Janet or Laverne. I do find it positive they all pushed back.

I'm not naive enough to think the world will get to a point where we can be defined as women and not transgender women anytime soon.  We still have too much ground to cover and in my case, I will never be able to take the "trans" off my identity. Sixty plus years of male dominated living is simply too much to overtake.  Then again who cares?  Sure, there will always be the haters.  The Rad Femme Lesbians or Trans Nazi's probably won't go away in my lifetime. Then again, do I care?  Not so much. I'm selfish. I just want to navigate the world as closely to a woman as I can. It is quite the liberating experience for me and I will fight like hell to keep it.

Yes, on occasion all the transgender icon's do help me.  In fact more of the world is now educated to the fact there are more of me than they thought and I'm very real.  In the end, we are just trying to live our lives the best we know and along the way, we are all similar to Janet Mock.

We are simply redefining what realness is to us.

Sunday, August 5, 2012


Some of you know I'm semi retired.
The main benefit of working more hours than I was when I had a regular job is that I pretty much have a 24 hour day.  Sometimes 3 AM is as productive as 3 PM.
The problem is when my life all of the sudden just starts to blend together. At that point, I'm looking for a place to hide.
Oddly enough, the best time for me to "run and hide" is approximately 3 in the afternoon...or go visit friends who moved to very remote areas of Eastern Ky.
The drive is about 5 or so hours from me and without stressful navigation of major metro areas.
A wonderful time to think
I planned on being able to post to the blog from my Android but didn't plan on being an hour out of any service.
I could say my service was fuzzy but my thoughts at the least had some clarity.
My gender progression is very clear but quite of few of other my life issues just aren't.  I have this huge problem of a foggy crystal ball and a need to cover financial issues.
Sounds familiar, right?
In the recent past, I admit a long term plan for me lasted about 3 months and I am proud to admit now I have increased the time period to at least 6 months.
Why? Because I have increased my knowledge of formulas!
Yes! All those years I trying to figure out why A+B+C=D. Really? Prove it.
I was wondering if that was true, why was I feeling like a girl?
OK, I know this is a strech but my point is I did figure out the gender formula only works for the Radical Right, Rad Femmes and certain chicken joints.
I also came up with my own life formulas for other issues.
Get your pencils ready:
A+B=C and if it doesn't, it will equal D and if it doesn't maybe it will equal F.
For me, life has been a shell game many times.
The clarity of the day slowed the shells down enough that I think I know what's under them and I can move forward.
If not, plans B and C might work instead.

Monday, July 30, 2012


This weekend, I was feeling a little under the weather so I just stuck around the house and got bored.
As some of you know, you can pass a lot of time surfing the web.
From time to time I have followed the Rad Femme vs Trans Woman blasts which truly I have found very much pointless. I mean, who cares what they think?
Like I said, I was bored and ran across another version of the appeal competition between trans and genetic women and the male gender. A chance for some cheap fun!
Also, I neglected to mention a Rad Femme believes any man is the man who has always kept his foot on the throat of woman since birth-No matter how many operations a person may undergo.
I just mentioned didn't the whole discussion give the male gender a victory if this Rad Femme site was discussing competing for their attention?
The result was I was told I would be given a first time pass for my response because I was certainly "under read".
Why do people always take cheap shots about my 8th grade ed-u-ca-tun?
At least when I get accepted to Oxford in the UK, I can wear a skirt now.
Then what will the Rad Femme's say then? Yawn.

Friday, June 8, 2012

A Huge Dose of Male Privilege

What would the "Rad Fem's" say? Or even the Rad Trans Fem's?
I was privileged this week to work on a long put off plumbing project in my old house!
What was I thinking?
I learned how much I have missed the very male part of my life which involved crawling around on the floor and in walls doing plumbing!
About 4 pm today, I was thinking just how privileged I was to have been born male.
Actually (another tip from a close friend) I am privileged. She has pointed out on more than one occasion I should appreciate experience not from a gender viewpoint but from a life viewpoint.
Sure, a plumbing project may not be my ideal but it had to get done and as she said I was lucky I knew how to do it.
So-would I be subjected to a double standard by the "Rad Peeps"?
After all, if a genetic female works on plumbing she is pushing the bounds of the female experience. If I'm doing it, it's my male privilege.
I feel almost as good about exercising my privilege as the first flow of water coming out of the faucets!

Nothing but a Reflection

  Woman in Mirror from Darius Bashar on UnSplash. It seems for some reason, recently, I have been obsessed with thinking about my earliest d...