Showing posts with label gender progression. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gender progression. Show all posts

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Gift Package

Well. after a year's wait to get my Estradiol meds increased, my new patches came in approximately five days through the mail. There are several different methods of taking the meds.

You can take them by swallowing pills, taking shots or by applying stick on patches.  My endocrinologist prefers the patch method due to possible blood clot issues. I know from talking to other transgender women, the other methods are preferred too. For many different reasons. Plus, I have to take the good and the bad in the Veterans Administration medical system.  Obviously, the good is that it is free. The bad is that normally you are restricted in what the VA provides as far as hormone replacement therapy goes. An example is progesterone.

Progesterone as an additional hormone has never been mentioned to me. In the past, I have had some trans friends who took progesterone. One developed the annoying habit of lactating under her shirt while she was still dressing like a guy at work.

Believe me, I am not complaining. I understand my endocrinologist has always erred on the side of caution with me. I know, as well as she does, the threat of possible blood clots is always possible.

In fact, I had to go through several vascular and heart tests to even get approved for this increase.

I start the new patches on Tuesday and I am interested to see how it affects me. After all it's a 25%  increase.

We will see if it's enough to induce hot flashes again.

Sunday, August 5, 2012


Some of you know I'm semi retired.
The main benefit of working more hours than I was when I had a regular job is that I pretty much have a 24 hour day.  Sometimes 3 AM is as productive as 3 PM.
The problem is when my life all of the sudden just starts to blend together. At that point, I'm looking for a place to hide.
Oddly enough, the best time for me to "run and hide" is approximately 3 in the afternoon...or go visit friends who moved to very remote areas of Eastern Ky.
The drive is about 5 or so hours from me and without stressful navigation of major metro areas.
A wonderful time to think
I planned on being able to post to the blog from my Android but didn't plan on being an hour out of any service.
I could say my service was fuzzy but my thoughts at the least had some clarity.
My gender progression is very clear but quite of few of other my life issues just aren't.  I have this huge problem of a foggy crystal ball and a need to cover financial issues.
Sounds familiar, right?
In the recent past, I admit a long term plan for me lasted about 3 months and I am proud to admit now I have increased the time period to at least 6 months.
Why? Because I have increased my knowledge of formulas!
Yes! All those years I trying to figure out why A+B+C=D. Really? Prove it.
I was wondering if that was true, why was I feeling like a girl?
OK, I know this is a strech but my point is I did figure out the gender formula only works for the Radical Right, Rad Femmes and certain chicken joints.
I also came up with my own life formulas for other issues.
Get your pencils ready:
A+B=C and if it doesn't, it will equal D and if it doesn't maybe it will equal F.
For me, life has been a shell game many times.
The clarity of the day slowed the shells down enough that I think I know what's under them and I can move forward.
If not, plans B and C might work instead.

What Came First?

  Image from Alexander Grey on UnSplash.  Today was "patch" day, when I changed out my gender affirming hormonal estradiol patches...