Sunday, February 12, 2012

Transsexual Porn Bias?

I guess there is after reading this post.
I'm not really a follower of the profession but have seen various articles featuring  the more prominent stars.
Of course the porn industry has it's own awards show annually and this year "" had this story:

"Brittany St. Jordan, a 28-year-old leggy redhead in a plunging gold number, was all dressed up with somewhere to go: the Adult Video News Awards, the so-called “Oscars for the porn industry.” But she ended up standing in line for three hours waiting to walk the red carpet, as other female performers were sent ahead. When she finally got her turn, event organizers directed her away from interviews with the press.
St. Jordan had an idea of why: Unlike the ladies who were sent right in, she’s a transsexual woman.
After the night was over, having lost in the Best Transsexual Performer category, St. Jordan took to the Web to protest her treatment. Her story inspired Kelly Pierce, a female trans performer who didn’t attend the ceremony, to write a lengthy blog post titled “AVN’s Inequality & Segregation Needs to Stop!” Soon, industry blogs and message boards picked up on the controversy."

"Brittany St. Jordan and Madison Montag"
 See if this sounds familiar to you:
"Many female transsexuals feel like they’re rejected from both the straight and gay world. “Even if you go into the [gay] clubs, transsexuals and drag queens are primarily there for entertainment,” says Williams. “It’s not really inclusive. We’re kind of in limbo, we’re in between both worlds.” In the straight world, men are often timid about revealing their interest in the genre. Most sales happen online, says Williams, who has a line of signature toys, including a $240 cyberskin mold of her ass. She says, “We’re the taboo, and where does taboo usually happen? Behind closed doors..
Madison Montag, a nominee for Transsexual Performer of the Year, says, “They (Transsexual performers) get tired of just the same old thing. Transsexuals are more feminine, they’re like hyper-feminine. To me, it’s kind of get the best of both worlds.”

Lost in all of this is the fact many transsexual girls go into the porn genre to finance their sex change surgeries.
Once again it seems no matter how some things appear different...the more they are the same. From the transgender girl next door to the transsexual porn star, many priorities are still the same.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

And You Thought Women Knew It All?

Over the years, I have encountered more than several crossdressers in our community who seem to believe genetic women are all born with a "makeup gene" in their DNA.
"It just ain't true y'all!"
Read one woman's pain passed along by "Ginger Burr" of "Total Fashion Consultants".
Her recent blog post "3 Makeup Secrets Mother Never Taught You" is packed with great makeup tips.
Unless you are one of the very few transgender girls whose Mother taught you makeup secrets-follow the above link!

Trans Woman Video Hand Off

This YouTube video was passed along to me.
You may remember "Hannah" who is one the young transsexual women from the UK who was in the news recently.
The video is positively beautiful to the point of be even "haunting"!

Are You Woman Enough?

At a certain point during the history of this blog (May/June 2010) and nearly 800 published posts, I wrote a story about my wife asking me "was I man enough to be a woman?"
To make a long blog post short, she was referring to the fact I was making both of us miserable due to the ripping and tearing of my genders.
Years later, I finally figured out the whole question was wrong.
Very simply, I was probably man enough to be a woman. Turns out years later I discovered I was woman enough to be a woman. Not a female in the transsexual sense but a woman in the transgendered sense.
I am a purist in the sense that no one can call them self a female until they can birth a child. (Please don't get into semantics with me concerning females who can't bear children.) I think you know where I'm going with this and hey it's only my belief!
You faithful (thank you!) followers here have been subjected to my endless rants about females who have little or no knowledge of being women.
So there you go-the old genitalia vs gender issue.
Indeed I did need to become enough of a woman to be one.
I am not foolish or smug enough to even suggest to you my journey is complete-it never will be.
The satisfying part of my life is I now know what I have to achieve to be woman enough. The challenging part is the farther I've come-the farther I need to go!
I'm proud to say I'm becoming enough of a woman to be one.

Transgender Engineering?

Check this website.  You may have seen "Ana Mancini" before and if you want to see much more of her go to her "Transgender"
To save you some of the effort, I've added a "before", an "after" and a "too far after" picture.


"WAY after broken Photo Shop Program!"

Friday, February 10, 2012

I Feel "Swell"!

I never have be a fan of "taping" myself in the chest area to obtain a better illusion of cleavage. Way too much pain and suffering for a solution which seems to always come loose in the middle of an evening out. Whatever sensual pleasure I gained from the "illusion" of having breasts was gone. I even went as far as going "bra less" with a certain loose fitting top I had. No one could really tell what was going on with the "girls" anyhow. Of course the "girls" were the soft  "boys".
Now of course the "girls" are starting to exert themselves and life is starting to change with each dosage of estrogen.
The other day I was searching through my underwear drawer and found one of my older under wire support bras. I immediately considered the potential benefit to my new girls and tried it on with my breast forms.
The new me positively loved the look!
All of the sudden it was me with the gentle swell of the girls peeking above the lacy bra. It was their turn to join the women of the world!
Heading for the closet, I immediately thought of the perfect low cut top and jeans.
I touched up my makeup, brushed my hair and headed out to meet the world.
Turns out the major distraction of the evening was trying to come up with ways to look down at the gentle swell of the girls peeking out from the top-and believing it was finally me!

Mother of Transgendered Girl Fighting Back.

In the UK a mother of a 10 year old transgendered daughter has petitioned the press to stop using transphobic terms.

The mother of a girl trapped in a boy’s body says her daughter’s
spirits have been lifted after more than 1,000 people signed a
petition to give hope to others with gender dysphoria.

Livvy James, aged 10, of Worcester, was born a boy but has always
known she was a girl and made the courageous decision to re-turn to
school in Worcester as a girl last September.

We reported in your Worcester News on Monday how Livvy, a name assumed
to protect her real identity, had battled suicidal thoughts but still
wanted to help others in the same position through the petition, set
up last Thursday by her mum, 37-year-old Saffy James.

The petition, which will eventually be handed in to the Press
Association, objects to the use of words such as ‘sex-swap/change’,
‘tranny’ and ‘gender bender’ in the press and had attracted 1,072
signatures by the time your Worcester News went to press.
Follow the "petition" link above.


Trans Women "Down Under"

It was all glam and glitter at the Ms Gay and Ms Transsexual Australia
competition at the Shoppingtown Hotel, Doncaster on Saturday as
beauties from around Australia vied for the illustrious titles.

No Comment.  Even I'm "wordless"!!!!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Transgendered Photo Shoot

Jessica Rosen is an American portrait and fashion photographer living in Sao Paulo, Brazil. About her series, The girls from Avenida Mem de Sa, Rosen writes:
‘I have spent the past three years working closely with a community of transgender sex workers in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. All of the subjects of these photos were born biologically male and have since taken steps toward feminizing their identity. They have created their notion of the ideal woman and then move towards performing that role as naturally as possible. These photographs are an exploration of the performance of gender and identity’.

 This is quite a unique collection and I will post a few more of them in the gallery.

Why Not Me?

  JJ Hart at Club Diversity Columbus, Ohio When I was very young, I had the tendency to hide behind my skirts when I needed to deny any masc...