Monday, June 20, 2011

Fathers? Day?

I realize we have a lot of readers here on the blog in all phases of transition to their chosen gender. Some are moving Dad to Mom essentially, others from Mom to Dad.
I have written several times I am out to my daughter so it is a non issue. Then again it isn't. First and foremost, I'm verbally out. Telling a person close to you that you are transgendered is much different than them seeing you. The next level of coming out to her will probably happen soon as I reach out to her about a few blog technology questions. When and if she reads this she will surely have a better understanding of my life.
I do however feel I will be Dad to her forever even as I transition further.
On a wider scale, Father's Day has never had the significance of Mother's Day anyhow. Dad gets a thank you, a small gift and the day comes and goes.
Perhaps that alone makes the day easier?
I'm sure it's a tragic day for those who have been severed from their family. Mom or Dad are words who don't matter when you are a parent first and foremost.
No matter where you are on the transgendered family spectrum, hopefully your day was good!

Just Had To...

I just had to pass this photo along from "Femulate".
The "Wow" factor of Australia's " Courtney Act is amazing.
Courtney is the person who auditioned for an Australian talent show as a guy and was turned down. She came back the next day as a girl and made the cut.
Wonder why?
Thanks Stana for a wonderful picture!

Girl Power

As I slid into a pair of long neglected heels the other day, I wondered why I had shunned them.
Sure they are uncomfortable to me and other women they say.  Women are"just paying the price for fashion". Ha!
As I went through the evening, I relearned what all women know. Heels possess a mystical power. Sure, the  ways heels improve your legs and butt are a certainty.
Maybe not so documented is the way men are attracted to the mere sound of the click of heels on a floor.
I did kick my heels off for a barefoot trip in the rain. I did though immensely enjoy standing straight and tall in a pair of heels who lived neglected in the back of my closet. Walking slowly and surely through a room in heels is empowering.
I need to feel more of the power!

Dial "Rose" For Advice

Rose Venkatesan, who shot to notice four years ago as India's first transgender television chat show host now is hosting her own call in advice show.
I wonder if I have unlimited international minutes on my new cell phone ( I still don't understand) and I could call?
Rose, I have a question.
If I decide to place even less importance in my religious background (which happens to be Christian) and more emphasis on an ancient Native American sprituality which recognizes 4 genders...Am I better off?
Rose would probably answer "Cyrsti, all that matters is how you feel about it."
Of course I'm fascinated in learning more about a culture such as the Navajo. In a previous post, I wrote how their ancients believed in 4 genders and elevating individuals who possessed these traits.
Personally, I wonder if any of this effects me. I believe it's a wonderful explanation of how I can feel so feminine yet not desire the complete sexual reassignment surgery.
I've often wondered why I've never completely possessed a notion I was trapped in a male body and my being would not be complete until my genders were aligned. Perhaps my being was trying to tell me I was both?
Without becoming too deep, I wonder how all of this works with the demise of my male soul. Is he still there just feminized somehow?
Finally (for this post) how does this gender evolve fit in with the basic fact I used to feel a strong fetish involvement with female clothing. Did the ancients believe it would have been a manifestation of the female soul trying to express herself and the male soul reacting to it?
Maybe "Rose" could provide an insight? She is Hindu I assume and I don't know how her religion approaches transgendered humans.
The only real answer should come from the Navajo themselves. Unfortunately a 16 year old dual gendered boy was murdered in their culture. One act does not doom a whole culture but it does seem to make them more inaccessible.
The only answer comes from me it seems. Sorry Rose.  I can save my international minutes.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Barefoot in the ????

I decided to change my plans a bit last night.
I wore heels (with my jeans) and changed where I went...somewhat.
The goal was to get out of the comfort zone and see what the world had to offer.
All went well until I had to make a quick bathroom stop.  I remembered one of the big box stores on the way has very accessible bathrooms as you come in the store. On top of all of this, it was pouring down rain and I had kicked off my heels as I made the 20 min drive.
Fortunately, as I pulled up in front of the store it was later in the evening and only a few people were waiting to run to their cars.
Desperate times call for desperate measures and I decided quickly to pull up in the loading zone and run in barefoot.  No one could have really told I had no shoes because my jeans covered all but a few painted toes.
I have no idea what the guy thought as I hustled by and into the women's room. I did make it with no disaster and he and wife didn't give me a second look on the way out.
Interestingly, going barefoot in any situation is totally out in my guy life. Believe me I don't condone barefoot restroom trips at all. 
I just would have liked to know what the man thought about the tall blond who rushed out of the rain... past him and into the restroom.  One way or another I probably made his evening a little less mundane!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

I Don't Get Out Much...Or Not Enough?

I have to admit I'm not the biggest fan of MTV;s "America's Best Dance Crew". I didn't know Leiomy (center above) "Mizrahi" Maldonaldo is the transgender principal diva at the center of Vogue Evolution, and has showed America just how far voguing has come since Madonna paid tribute and "Paris Is Burning" scorched movie screens.Now you are going to ask me what "voguing" means????

Flying Under the Radar.

We are a transgendered community noted for going "stealth".
The goal for so many of transgendered individuals is to attain a level of comfort in their chosen gender and simply disappear into society. The man or woman next door may be a transsexual and you would never know it...Wonderful, a terrific transgendered success story.
The whole "stealth" situation is a complete win for the transgendered person and I respect it. Why shouldn't they be allowed to live a complete "normal" life?
I used to believe there were too many "stealth" individuals in the transgendered community. Too few role models to help the younger individuals.
Fortunately the situation is beginning to change.  Transgendered individuals are stepping out of the shadows to explain who we really are as a culture.
In the preceding post I wrote about a new documentary on the "Style Channel" as one example. 
The public has seen the "Alexis Arquette's" (above)  of the world. Unfortunately, Alexis doesn't represent me or probably you well. Her media "wow" factor probably hasn't inspired many gender confused teens to run for school council.
On the other hand the transgendered woman in Spain who was just elected to a regional parliament does.
Compounding all these problems is the "L" (looks) factor. The trials and tribulations we all go through to present convincingly as our chosen gender. The fact of the matter is we all want to be viewed as "attractive". It's just human nature.
More importantly though, we need to be viewed as how we feel. Sure it takes courage and perseverance for a transgendered person to take the first awkward steps as a woman or a man.
The true heroine/hero in all of this is the person who steps out of "stealth" and says I started where you are. The finished product you see was not easy to achieve but you can get there.
I get the question frequently "do you think I can pass?"
Everyone can on a certain level if they are not passing.  When they become the person they are striving to be, they move away from the "Show Biz Arquette's" and into the real world. You stop passing  and start being.
Maybe some day in the future when that happens they will step out of stealth and pass forward their knowledge to someone who desperately needs it!

Programming Note

If you are like me, you have a television that offers a million programs. Most with nothing on.
I do enjoy the various "makeover" shows.  The shows often provide a tip or two on how to improve my overall appearance.
On occasion I'm stunned by the improvement some of the women attain. Then again, I'm equally stunned when the woman looks like she just walked off a drag show stage.
One show was notable when the "makeover" was so improved you could see her friends develop a huge dose of feminine jealousy. She knew she was hot. They knew she was hot and they weren't sure she was going to be a friend much longer. You could see the claws starting to come out. The show was a classic!
Coming up in July, The "Style Network" is featuring a documentary of interest to transgendered people everywhere. "Born Male, Living Female" will air on July 16th. Follow this link to the "Futon Critic" for more information.
Of particular interest is the stated objective of the series.  "Katie Buchanan" a senior VP at the network said:
 "Each installment will speak directly to Style's core audience of young women, presenting them with engaging, informative and sometimes controversial subject matters that we hope will challenge them to understand a different point of view."
Hopefully this documentary will encourage young women everywhere to have a better understanding of their transgendered sisters. 
I'm not naive enough to think transgendered programming is good for ratings. I am however encouraged when the program presents us in an educational realistic light!

Becoming a Non Issue?

I had a quick follow up idea of the gay population becoming a "non issue" in nearby Columbus.
Maybe I have become a non issue in the places I frequent so much. I'm just part of the woodwork like the rest of the regulars.
Just a throw back to the old "Cheers" TV Show.
Perhaps "Norm" ( a regular Cheers patron) will buy me a beer like the other regulars?
Certainly, becoming a non issue wasn't exactly the plan but living as a girl was..and this works! Pull up a stool and lets watch the game!

How Far will You Go?

Image from UnSplash. I have always viewed my transgender journey as a series of upward steps. A few of the steps were short and easy to take...