Monday, June 20, 2011

Girl Power

As I slid into a pair of long neglected heels the other day, I wondered why I had shunned them.
Sure they are uncomfortable to me and other women they say.  Women are"just paying the price for fashion". Ha!
As I went through the evening, I relearned what all women know. Heels possess a mystical power. Sure, the  ways heels improve your legs and butt are a certainty.
Maybe not so documented is the way men are attracted to the mere sound of the click of heels on a floor.
I did kick my heels off for a barefoot trip in the rain. I did though immensely enjoy standing straight and tall in a pair of heels who lived neglected in the back of my closet. Walking slowly and surely through a room in heels is empowering.
I need to feel more of the power!

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