Sunday, September 26, 2010

Quote of the Week!

To be or not to be; that is the question.

I am everything and nothing – male/female, beautiful/ugly, shy/outgoing, saint/sinner, humble/egotistical and I’ve been known to be happy, sad and angry all at the same time. I am, and more importantly, I am not.
Wish i was good enough to write it!
The quote comes from a person called "Ophelia Rising" on the "Genderfork.Com" sight!

Friday, September 24, 2010


I thought I might post a small disclaimer to my book and "how to guide" on the blog.
What you are seeing here are works in progress.
If they seem to be a little off center it's because I'm working on them!
The goal is to remember and add different experiences that could be a value to someone else!
Thanks to all!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Another New Term?

Aw-right girls. Start making fun of me now for either living in a cave OR introducing yet another new term-"Bi Gender".
I saw it as a question on another blog. Of course I had to throw in my two cents worth!
I am a "bi gender" person. It means to me that one day I can live as a girl and a guy the next. It takes a lot of work for me since I'm not an androgynous looking person.
As a guy I've been able to run with the "alpha males" and as a girl I've been fairly good at moving through society with few problems. I shop, party and socialize mainly as a girl.
None of this came easy and I would not recommend it to my worst enemy.
On the other hand my girl side absolutely adores her girlfriends (real) and female communication, clothes etc. More importantly I do feel a deep satisfaction in my soul when I'm presenting female. Not enough, however to do it permanently.
Bi gender should mean you can take the best of both genders and mold yourself into this wonderful person. Both of me have not perfected this! Yet I have had some truly outstanding moments in both genders. In a strange way, I've been blessed.
When life gives you lemons-you make lemonade. When life gives you two genders to play with-you play!

Top Blogs

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Sun, The Moon-The Stars....

Finally came back together and I had a great day out yesterday!
For some reason, my presentation was off kilter and too much male was showing through on about three of my previous outings.
I've told you girls about my percentage plan. I consider a good day when only a few people break their necks turning to look and stare. I was breaking a few necks recently!
I went back to the basic shorter black straight look which is not as much fun but presents better.
Actually I was out two days in a row with little or no reaction from anyone. This included one night at a straight bar restaurant when I went in late and ate! Usually the hardest test is passing folks who have a chance to look at me for awhile. But it worked!
I paired the outfit up with jeans and my cami that shows the girls well and just a little tiny bit of bare tummy.
The fun part about the look is that I can really highlight my eyes which everyone says are my best feature!
I will have to get a picture with yet another of my sunglasses (which are my latest summer addiction) for you.
What a relief it is to have both of my lives back in order and thanks to all of you for reading!


Friday, September 17, 2010

Transgender.A Blessing OR A Curse?

For transgender folks like us, this question has burned a deep hole in our psyche.
On one hand we hate one side of ourselves. On the other we can't wait to return to the other side.
How many times have I written about the joy of feeling my long curls on my bare back and shoulders or the soft feel of a skirt on my freshly shaven legs. How exotic is it to throw back my shoulders and give my "girls" a little extra exposure in a soft slinky form fitting top. I will forever remember the looks I have had on occasion that I know saw me as female.
I also remember the looks that didn't. The pointing, the whispering and yes-even the laughter. How many times have I wanted to go home and forget any of this insanity ever happened?
But then there are times when friends of both genders approach me with questions about their opposite gender.
Why do guys act a certain way? Why do women? They believe I should know, and I'm learning!
The blessing is to have been added to several female circles and to learn a whole new form of communication.
The secrets of genetic females aren't so earth shattering-their reactions to them are. Just one glance can say it all about a guy being an idiot.
The curse is the amount of time it takes an individual to understand what is going on and how to make it a positive. Letting your female grow up and learn is a painful process! Just like with genetic females.
The curse is sharing her with family and friends. Most men really don't want anything to do with you and women have a whole different of way of letting you be a part but not accepting you as a friend. Especially a spouse!
During the course of history, transgendered people have been elevated to higher levels in certain societies.
We just have to learn to elevate our inner selves in the meantime!

Top Blogs

Quick Quote!

Ana Fernatt, a contributor to Chicago Now! Writes an "Accidentally Sexy" Blog. She says a woman should be "classy and fabulous!' Great words to live by.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

New Quote

T-girls are a different breed of woman. We don't think exactly like women - and we don't act like men. We're unique. We're the best of both sexes!

I "Rhoda" in to a Transgender Friendly Place!

To many of you girls who are entrenched in your closet, or those who are tentatively stepping out-here is a story that I hope will help.
Some of it is repeated in the "Handy Dandy" how to post but please be patient with me. I'm more mature and we do things like repeat ourselves!
Number one, when you shop-the great majority of clerks will love you!
Especially "DeeDee" at Charming Charlie's in Dayton. I've plugged the place before. It's just a great spot for accessorizing your wardrobe! Jewelry, bags, earrings and the such!
I was in the store for about 5 minutes or so when she introduced herself and asked if I needed any help.
I said "no" and then she said "are you (me) Rhoda?" Rhoda is "Rhoda Horse" and she is a beautiful blond performer in the Dayton, Ohio area.
I said "I'm flattered, but I'm not and actually Rhoda and I are much different breeds of the same cat."
Quickly, I explained. (I had serious shopping to do!) Rhoda does female to perform. I do female as a lifestyle.
So, if you are ever around the "Greene" off of I-675 outside of Dayton look the store up and definately ask for DeeDee!
Sales people such as DeeDee can offer you some great insight into your look and you offer them a respite from a all too often grumpy female clientele.
Shopping as a girl is truly an occasion when you can use being transgendered to your benefit!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

OMG! My Own Jerry Springer Moment!

It finally happened! My own Springer transgender moment. Perhaps you've seen or have heard of Springer's non ending parade of transgender girls whose boy friends don't know the truth. Of course I had to go down that road myself. Accidentally!
In my constant quest to spread my self too thin on the world wide web, I decided to set up a "My Space" site.
As you probably know, they make the set up so easy a "cave girl" could do it! What they don't do is give us a transgender option and when in doubt I choose female...but I make no secret of the fact I'm a transgendered girl. In fact on "My Space" I listed transgender in about the third sentence of my profile.
SO! the first two "I'm madly in love with you" guys didn't bother to read and just looked at the pix. (Just being guys, right?)
By the time we got to the third round of bringing me home to mom-I asked "Hey!" did you read my profile? Well, no they didn't.
The first one was a bit more worldly and asked if I was transgendered, did I have a ... I said yes, three of them and they are great cats who need to be fed and keep the mice under control!
At least he said "bye!"
The second one was from somewhere in Virginia and never really understood what being transgendered was all about. He never even said goodbye!
The moral of the story is you won't see me on Springer with the internet boyfriend who didn't know I was transgendered. But if you do-I sign autographs!!!!

Finding your Happy Place as a Trans Girl

Image from Trans Outreach, JJ Hart As I negotiated my way through the gender wilderness I was in, I needed to reach out at times to find mom...