Monday, October 21, 2024

Halloween and Gender Breakthroughs

Image from
the JJ Hart

Back again we go to Halloween and the effects it had on me as I developed into a novice transgender woman.

Very early on I learned when I cross dressed head to toe as a woman for a Halloween party, I would be cut out of the male club and my male friends would ignore me. Very early signs of losing any male privilege I had built up over the years. On the other hand, I was not ignored by many of the other women I knew from before who took the time to comment on my shaved legs and "costume." Both were small but definite signs of what I would face in the future if and when I decided to enter the public as a transgender woman. 

Over the years, my tastes in Halloween "costumes" changed from just wanting to be slutty, all the way to trying to present myself as a cis-woman would at a party. Plus I needed to overcome any fears I had of going to the party as a woman and mostly giving up on having a traditional good time partying with friends I had known for years. Again, just a small dose of what it would be like to cut all ties with my old male life and start all over. 

Everything began to change when my "costumes" began to evolve. One party in particular stands out in my mind. It happened when my second wife and I were living in the metro New York City area and I was managing a food location. It just so happened I was invited by one of my assistant female managers to go with her and several of her friends to a Halloween party they were going to. Without hesitation I said yes and wondered how I was going to explain it away to my wife. She never was into Halloween much and turned out she did not much care so I set out to put together an outfit for the evening. I decided to go semi-sexy (or try to) and chose my short mini dress, heels and dark wig for the evening. Off I went into the great unknown of not knowing where I was going and with whom.

It turned out, where I ended up first of all was at the house of my manager and to my pleasant surprise I learned all of her friends who were going were all tall attractive women dressed approximately the same as I was. As I walked into the room where they all were waiting, you could have heard a pin drop as they all looked me over from head to toe. Once they realized who I was, off we went to the real party which was being held at a small bar near to her house. The first thing I thought of was how far was I going to have to walk in my heels but the distance was not too bad and I was on my own cloud nine. I mean, here I was with three other women my height dressed the same way headed for a party. I was scared but excited by the time we arrived at the venue. Once I got to the bar and had a drink or two I started to calm down and learned another couple of gender break throughs. 

The evening turned out to be my first ever girl's night out because I was able to blend in so well with the other women I was with and I learned the power of being able to blend in with the feminine world. The second big breakthrough I learned was how to handle being approached by a man who perhaps did not know he was talking to a transgender woman. I was even asked to dance by one man. Finally, I learned single women of a certain age have a tendency to mark out their own territory when it comes to attracting male companionship. Once we all arrived in the venue, I was left very much on my own. 

I did not know it then, but all of the gender lessons I learned would come back to help me later in life. So much more than an empty comment about how good my shaved legs looked. As my second wife kept trying to tell me, I hadn't paid my dues yet to be considered a good feminine person. Trans or not.   

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Halloween and Gender Breakthroughs

Halloween Image from the JJ Hart Archives.  Back again we go to Halloween and the effects it had on me as I developed into a novice transgen...