Sunday, August 2, 2015

Cyrsti's Condo "Sunday Morning Edition"

KerPlunk! Another Sunday edition is hitting your virtual front porch! Here on the banks of the Ohio River we are looking ahead at a pleasant summer Sunday. The "Joe" will be hot this morning! (coffee) Let's get started:

Page One-The Week that Was-or Wasn't: Truthfully, my only real transgender input from the outside world this week came when I had a chance to watch a couple episodes of the Jazz Jennings family documentary. I find Jazz to be adorable, and not just because of her loads and loads of passing privilege. Her family's support is amazing and I have equally laughed and cried during every show.

Page Two Opinion -Do We All Know Each Other? Past Jazz this week,  all I really saw was Greg Louganis appearing on a show plugging his new HBO show. If you remember Louganis- he won gold medals at the 1984 and 1988 Olympic Games on both the springboard and platform. He is the only male and the second diver in Olympic history to sweep the diving events in consecutive Olympic Games. And came out as openly gay. One of the questions presented to him was, did he ever meet Caitlin Jenner (another Olympic medal winner.) before she came out or since. He said no and added of course he knew tons about the "Gay" part of the LGBT community, the lesbian "L's" much less and we "T's" even less. But wanted to learn more now. Much the same as my VA doctor told me this week. His son is gay.

Page Three - Different Daughters from the Same Mother? During the past week I received a wonderful note from Shelle concerning my Stiletto's on Thin Ice Book. Shelle and I are Midwestern girls of the same age range who have shared more than a couple hard fought victories to claim our gender rights. Many want to believe trans woman like Caitlin Jenner define transgender activism when in reality it's women like Shelle and so many of you( I haven't met or reached out to) who do the grass roots work. Turning a caricature of us as people into human beings.

Page Four- The Back Page: For those of you that have asked-thanks! I am feeling better and yes life is but a circle the Goddess sends us on. I thought about finish this edition up with the old clique "Whatever doesn't kill you, will just make you stronger." Well "I ain't dead yet" and thanks for stopping by the Condo!!!!! 

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The Light in the Mirror

  Image from Alessandro  Bianchi  on UnSplash. I spend quite a bit of time here attacking my mirror when I was growing up. Recently, I have ...