Sunday, January 7, 2018

More Transgender Power?

From the Washington Blade, these are the sort of transgender stories I love to share!

"When Danica Roem takes the oath of office in Virginia’s statehouse on Jan. 10, the country will finally have an LGBT legislative caucus where the “T” isn’t simply aspirational. For her historic accomplishment, Roem deserves the acclaim and unmitigated respect of the entire LGBT community. Not only did she demonstrate great courage in running as an openly trans candidate against a 13-term incumbent, but in defeating Robert Marshall she banished from public office a man who had brazenly styled himself “chief homophobe” of the Old Dominion.

From across the Potomac, we Marylanders who have long hoped to put the “T” in our own caucus, will find the day to be bittersweet as well. On Jan. 10, the Maryland General Assembly will commence yet another session without a trans lawmaker.

If we choose to do so, however, we can make it the last.
At the end of session, Sen. Rich Madaleno – in his pursuit of the governorship – will be vacating the Senate seat representing Montgomery County’s 18th Legislative District. Longtime trans activist and local political operative, Dr. Dana Beyer, has announced that she will run to succeed him."

For more, follow the link above!

Are You?

The other day when I was setting up my mammogram appointment, the receptionist finally asked the magic question...are you male or female?

Until I improve my phone voice, I have pretty much resigned myself to getting at least one "sir" before I correct them. This time, after I told the woman I was transgender, she was very respectful and said would "Ms. Hart" be OK?

After I said it would, her final question was, did I have any breast implants to work around.

Another person educated!

Saturday, January 6, 2018

When the World Fades Away

This morning I tagged along with Liz to her karate class.

The class is split into two groups, one for teens through adults and one for kids. So, I get to encounter all sorts of age groups. Again this morning I encountered very little (if any) reaction to a transgender woman in their midst. I guess the ultimate test for going stealth.

As I write about here in Cyrsti's Condo, I always thought I would be the last person to write about going stealth in any kind of a positive manner.

These days, I see the stealth process as a natural progression into yet another stage of a Mtf transgender transition. Buoyed by positive comments from my friends and acquaintances (un-solicited), I have gained the confidence to move forward in the world.
Now it seems, the world is repaying me the favor, by getting out of my way and just fading away.

As Connie has written: "A trans girl's best accessory is her smile." I would add, once you get to the point of not caring what the other person thinks, your smile becomes even more important!

At that point, stealth becomes you.

Spring Can't be that Far Away!

I just received the word that the Trans Ohio Symposium has opened it's call for workshop presenters in April.

I have written here in Cyrsti's Condo in the past concerning my desire to be a presenter again this year at the Symposium in Columbus, Ohio. I have done it a couple times in the past.

My topic is going to revolve around three basic points:

1.- Surviving a half century in a transgender closet.
2.- No one is more trans than another.
3,- The different levels within a transgender transition.

Plus, if I have any time left, I would also like to discuss cross dressing as a transgender survival tool.

With only 50 minutes of time, I think I will have plenty of material.

If you are in the area, the Symposium will be held April 27th-29th in The Ohio State University Student Union and this year is the Tenth Annual. Friday is for professionals (therapists etc.) Saturday and Sunday, the general workshops are held. A very informative weekend!

Follow the link above for more!

Friday, January 5, 2018

We Got Mail

As you all probably already know, I am a fan of sarcasm and I found some in the Cyrsti's Condo comment box:

The first concerns my Mammogram post from Connie of course:
"Does this have anything to do with the old saying, "cold as a witch's tit?"
I just caught the advance forcast for next week when the "Mammy" is scheduled and the temperature is supposed to be near 50 degrees (f), so maybe we can leave the witch out of it! I hope :)
The most comments came from my recent "Thought of the Day":

Cyrsti's Condo "Thought of the Day"

"Just because you didn't see it, or hear it, does not mean it's not happening."



  1. "Interesting quote. I could not figure if it was channeling Tommy by the Who "He didn't see it...didn't feel it..." or the response to Virginia O'Hanlon by Francis Pharcellus Church "The most real things in the world are those that neither children nor men can see."

  2. "Just because you don't believe it, doesn't mean it's not true"
  3. Probably, a little of both. Although most likely Tommy!
    Thanks :)
  4. "JJ, please leave your sex life out of your blog. :-)"
  5. Thanks all! 

Transgender Congress Woman?

From Newsweek:
"In 2017, the U.S. elected its first ever openly transgender woman to the Virginia State House. In 2018, it might elect its first out transgender woman to Congress—Alexandra Chandler.
“I recognize that I would be a first, and I will say it is a humbling responsibility that I take very seriously both as a candidate and if elected that I would be a first,” Chandler, who's running for office in Massachusetts, told Newsweek.

Chandler was one of the military’s top intelligence analystsShe spent the past five years leading a team of analysts charged with combating arms smuggling and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. She’s the mother of two children, and a wife.
She also was born biologically male and raised by her family as a boy. She transitioned from living as a man to living as a woman while she was working at the Defense Department."
Wouldn't her election be great!
For more, go here.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

No Trip for India

It didn't take long for Paula Goodwin (from the UK) to comment on the Cyrsti's Condo post concerning India Willoughby appearing on the UK version of "Celebrity Big Brother". Here is the comment:

"Thanks, but no thanks. This is a terrible show, playing to the lowest common denominator with the participants only being out for a bit of self promotion. India is our Caitlyn Jenner, a high profile Trans Woman who by her very presence helps to normalise the concept, but actually is not that popular amongst the community for some of her thoughtless comments."

Transgender model Talulah-Eve Brown was rumored to be part of the Celebrity Big Brother line up, but dropped out after hearing her transgender rival India Willoughby was also set to take part.

And all this time, I thought we (the U.S.) had the corner on all the transgender drama!

Thanks Paula!

Home from the Doctor

I needed to take Liz's son to the doctor this morning, so I had to get up a bit early and make myself presentable. Fortunately anymore, the process doesn't take too long. Most times, just around 15 min to a half hour.

It's still really cold around here, so I had to bundle up in boots, jeans, sweater and heavy knitted scarf.

Not that I had much doubt, everything went as planned and Junior's visit did too.

Now, I have to schedule another mammogram. Since my maternal grand mother passed away from breast cancer, the VA is rather fanatical about scheduling me one every year. The good thing is, every year I seem to have more "mass" to scan. The bad thing is, where I go, is for some reason chilly in the place. It would seem like, the center would try to keep it warmer.

Overall though, I view a mammogram as a necessary hassle of my transgender transition. If I had my choice, I wouldn't do it, but I sure wouldn't want the alternative. 

Cyrsti's Condo "Thought of the Day"

"Just because you didn't see it, or hear it, does not mean it's not happening."


Transgender Instincts

Image from Atich Bana  on Unspalsh.   First, I need to apologize for missing a post yesterday. I went to my primary provider at the local Ve...