Saturday, January 6, 2018

Spring Can't be that Far Away!

I just received the word that the Trans Ohio Symposium has opened it's call for workshop presenters in April.

I have written here in Cyrsti's Condo in the past concerning my desire to be a presenter again this year at the Symposium in Columbus, Ohio. I have done it a couple times in the past.

My topic is going to revolve around three basic points:

1.- Surviving a half century in a transgender closet.
2.- No one is more trans than another.
3,- The different levels within a transgender transition.

Plus, if I have any time left, I would also like to discuss cross dressing as a transgender survival tool.

With only 50 minutes of time, I think I will have plenty of material.

If you are in the area, the Symposium will be held April 27th-29th in The Ohio State University Student Union and this year is the Tenth Annual. Friday is for professionals (therapists etc.) Saturday and Sunday, the general workshops are held. A very informative weekend!

Follow the link above for more!


Connie said...

Just a suggestion: By referring to different "levels" of transition, some people may see that as contrary to your second point, that no one is more trans than another. "Stages" may be a better word, but even that could be misconstrued. Of course, if you explain only from your own experiences, nobody could argue against that.

Paula said...

I would love to come, I would love to present a workshop, maybe on Performing as your true self ~ would anyone like to pay my travel expenses from London?

JJ Hart said...

Good points! Thanks! My fondest desire though is to leave the workshop attendees with some questions. Most of the workshops are sooooo bland!

JJ Hart said...

I wish I could say yes...but the organizers struggle every year with covering expenses with speakers as close as Indianapolis and Chicago! Sorry

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