Sunday, August 20, 2017

Transgender Minutia

If you are a fledgling transgender woman or cross dresser just beginning to make your way in the world, one of the more important male habits which can get you outed  is how you eat.

While cis women vary widely in eating habits, we trans girls are not afforded the same luxury. We just have to be better.

Various tips include, cutting food in smaller bites and tilting your head slightly as you eat. Plus, by all means don't shovel your food in! That giant hamburger needs to be cut and maybe even eaten with the help of a fork. Depending on where you are, or who you are with, those chicken wings may not be such a good choice.

Eating usually interferes with lipstick too, so care should be taken. Plus how women eat is considered to be sensual by more than a few cis men.

All of these tips are learned by cis girls growing up, but again, we transgender and or cross dressers never had a chance to learn. After all, eating like a girl got you the unwanted "sissy" label.

"Bon appetite" !

Friday, August 18, 2017

All Quiet on the Midwestern LGBT Front?

These days, quiet can only be counted in days and the accused terrorist killer in Charlottesville, actually is from the Northern Kentucky area around Cincinnati and was living near Toledo, sometimes quiet can be deceiving. And, while we are on the subject, my sympathies go out to the victims of the Barcelona, Spain terrorist attack. Sad and tragic, again. The world is a wreck.

On my personal side, I have several appointments coming up, including a group get together tonight which is not a transgender specific group.

Also, next week, I have my fluid levels checked (blood work) Tuesday at the Veterans Administration hospital and a visit with my therapist on Thursday.

My wardrobe has been checked and rechecked for the visits, so all should be good. Knock on wood!

Where ever you may be world wide, I hope you are safe too, and your LGBT life is allowed to be a bit boring!

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

The "Hatter" and Other News

Due to increased interest, I am passing along the web site to "Fashionable Hats" here. This site may offer more answers to questions concerning sizes, styles and even "unisex" hats! I personally love a stylish hat!

womens summer hats | sun hats

In other news, perhaps you have heard or read Texas's inane B.S. transgender bathroom law, has died...for now and hopefully forever. Once again it seems, many large corporations have come to our rescue, along with many others.

During my visit to the Veteran's Administration hospital in Dayton, Ohio yesterday, my therapist spent ten minutes reassuring us, there would be no changes in transgender veteran care. Someone added "for now" and that is probably the best we can do right now with the so called president we have in Washington.

So, regardless. the transgender community still is having victories in this bleak time.

Good news is good news!

Monday, August 14, 2017

LGBT History Time

Exported.; SUN;"From Denmark one day in June 1952 did there arrive at the Bronx home of Board of Education carpenter George Jorgensen and his wife, Florence, a letter from 26-year-old George Jr., or Brud, as the family called him, who, several years earlier, following a brief service in the United States Army and a term of employment at the New York office of the RKO-Pathe newsreel people, had relocated to Copenhagen to pursue a career as a magazine photographer. Brud's tone suggested that there was something he wished to share."

For the letter she wrote go here to the Daily News of New York.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

While My Blog Gently Weeps...Again.

My sympathies go out to all of the dead or injured in Virginia during demonstrations brought on by the KKK/Nazi inspired "Alt Right."

Of course after it all was over "45" (Trump) blamed "both sides."

At any rate, the whole affair speaks volumes on the real threats we face as the transgender, LGBT nation. An example were the death threats received by a transgender woman and her husband at an Amazon facility in Kentucky,

Lets be careful out there!

Saturday, August 12, 2017


Recently I received an email from "Andy Peterson." Andy runs a site called Fashionable Hats and Accessories.


I was recently visiting and was very impressed by your website. 

I was wondering if could link back to on your site somewhere as a resource. If there is something you would like me to do in return, just name it."

If you are searching for a sharp hat...please check out the links provided! If you are lucky, you could sip a highball with Andy! And, if Andy is in Columbus, Ohio...I am within sipping distance :)


Thursday, August 10, 2017

Chelsea Manning

LGBT transgender woman Chelsea Manning has recently posed for Vogue Magazine:

It seems her transition is coming along well!

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire?

The transgender woman I have written about here in Cyrsti's Condo who said she went through genital reassignment surgery via Medicare and I met up by accident yesterday at the Dayton VA hospital... by accident.

I asked her if she was there to see the therapist we both have and she said no, she was there to see her endocrinologist. She is a talker and went on to tell me she was requesting more estrogen because her breast development was lagging behind.

Warning bells went off again with her because past a certain point, extra estrogen just can hurt you, more than help feminization.  Plus she said her request was twice what I take, but I let it go.

The conversation went on for awhile, until she said her testicles were holding up the estrogen effect too. Unfortunately I wanted to get going so badly, I didn't follow up on her thought until later. Because I was zeroed in on going to the attorney.

Unless I am missing something huge about GRS, the testicles are removed, so she shouldn't have any...anymore.

At any rate, as suspected, her GRS maybe/probably is just a ruse. Sad.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Much to do About Nothing?

Well, I went to the attorney's today and found all my high anxiety was very much a waste of time...except figuring out how I was going to pay for it.

The office (as I figured) had only women and each one it seemed went out of her way to talk to me.

The only thing I forgot was my name change paper work and as the attorney said, it was only needed to prove legally who I was now. Plus she did say I was her first transgender client.

So, once I get my daughter to sign off on some papers too, we should be on the road to ridding myself  of a huge part of my past.

As always, worrying about the unknown is tougher than hitching up my big girl panties and doing something about it!

Feeling the Pain

  Image from Eugenia  Maximova  on UnSplash. Learning on the fly all I needed to know concerning my authentic life as a transgender woman of...