Saturday, October 12, 2013

Cyrsti's Condo "Beauty Nook"

Gasp! What will they think of next? Here's an idea from Yahoo Shine:

"Nude heels are great, right? They lengthen the legs, match all kinds of colors and patterns, and can be daytime casual or black-tie jazzy. The only problem is making sure that you yourself are the “correct” shade of nude. For years, a debate has raged between design houses and their consumers: What is a “nude” shoe? In a move that’s both socially conscious — directly addressing the elephant in the room that others are ignoring — and business savvy, Christian Louboutin recently launched a first-of-its-kind capsule collection of five classic

 Louboutin styles in five brand-new shades, specifically meant to complement skin tones of all ethnicities. They range from pale pink-ivory to deep chestnut, with the goal that one of them will “closely match the color of a customer's skin tone.” Louboutin's red-soled, perfectly curved creations are designed to “disappear like magic and become a fluid extension of her legs, as in a sketch, elongating the silhouette,” according to the designer's press release."

Friday, October 11, 2013

Wedding Bells in Cyrsti's Condo

Excuse me while I run out and get a box of tissues! Weddings make me cry, especially my own

I See You...Kind Of.

In the Cyrsti's Condo "We Gotz Mail" department Laine commented on our "You Are Glowing" post:

"That (aura idea) makes lots of sense. I know lots of people who picked up on who I am. One of them is a close friend who in some ways is really out there, although he tries to be a grounded, feet on the ground kind of guy. When I came out as trans, he confessed to me that he had always seen me as a woman, and was always confused as to why other people were referring to me with male pronouns and treating me like a man! In fact, when I thought back over our interactions, I realized that he had always treated me much more like a woman than a man.

 Other sensitive people have picked it up and noticed. I have some female friends who have always treated me as one of the girls. Even though I can pretend, it's really only the people that don't connect on that energy/spirit/heart level that really miss it. I don't get colors, but I do get feelings, and I've been able to tell with other people before. It's an amazing thing, and you're right, noticing it and paying attention to it helps to increase your sensitivity to it."

Thanks Laine!  If you start looking closer into this whole "aura" idea, many gender questions we have about ourselves make more sense.  It's like the young boy or girl whose parents are hoping "will outgrow" their transgender aura.  As we all know, that just isn't the case. To this day, I have one of the few male friends I have ever met who claims on occasion he was able to purge all his female belongings and not look back-but can't quite figure out why his bff's at work are two women who join him for lunch everyday.  I tell him he is one of the girls but he just says, "I'm known as the biggest bastard at work."

Like you and your friend Laine, those two women have connected to who my friend really is deep down inside and why wouldn't women be the most likely to connect?

During the mating/marriage courtship, it's primarily the women who have to sort out the relationships to see if they can find a mate and a match to live with. Plus in the everyday world a woman just has to develop an extra sense to insure her security.

I'm sure Laine, most of the more accomplished transgender readers here in the Condo would agree when you "tap" into your interior girl, aura is a more natural part of transitioning than we think. The fact remains, developing extra senses which could be lumped under the "women's intuition" definition is a very real deal.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Mamma Mia!

She will make someone a good wife someday! Cross dressin' n cookin' in the Cyrsti's Condo big screen kitchen:

What's in a Name?

You can call me Ray, or you can call me Jay, just don't call me he, sir or buddy and by the way my male name was not Chris!

Over the past couple of years the name game became "uber" important to me as I reworked my life and gender. Following a couple false starts with Cyrsti's Condo (Transnation), I finally said to hell with it and called this production a condo.  If you must know, the condo is actually a big 1860's vintage brick ex commercial building which has housed saloons, general stores and boarding houses over the years. Somehow I didn't think all of that would make for a catchy name!

I also faced the bigger decision on renaming myself to reflect my transitioning status from cross dresser to transgender woman. I was positive my long blond wigs and the name Roxie had to go.   Looking back on my decision, the only mistake I made was I really didn't give Cyrsti enough thought. Essentially,  I was looking for a middle of the road feminine name so I adopted Kristy and changed the spelling but "Jessie" would have been a better personal choice because it was a family name and I loved the sound of it.

The whole name game is one of the most interesting and important facets of our transitions.  In reality it matters not if you feminize your male name, borrow an old girlfriends, or adopt a family name. My only warning is to be careful, you may be surprised how quickly your new name can become entrenched in the world! There is no way possible now I could ever switch to Jessie!

Never say never, because I did!

So Many Answers - So Little Time

Three transgender women from Thailand have recently been seen performing at tourist spots throughout the south Chinese city of Guangzhou, according to a website run by the Guangming Daily. The three Thais have received a lot of public attention with their street performance, in which they show onlookers how to tell the difference between a real woman and a "lady boy."

My "X" rated mind went quickly into over drive with this question. It locked up and had to be re rebooted.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Cyrsti's Condo "Quote of the Day"

"Halloween is the time of year you can pass off those cob webs in your house as seasonal decorations!"

Cyrsti Hart

Transgender Man a Candidate For UNI Homecoming Queen

Transgender Man a Candidate For UNI Homecoming Queen

After watching this, I'm not sure the transgender word should be applied at all, even it is was applied wrong. Wouldn't Steve be a transgender woman?

Beyond Transition?

As usually the rule, the Huffington Post "Gay Voices" recently published an outstanding post called "Beyond Transition" Documentaries.

Transgender writer Mitch Kellaway did a wonderful job of featuring more than a couple "mainstream" transgender women and men as well as a number of individuals not quite so well known:

To give you an idea of Mitch's work, here is an opening excerpt:

"Mass media have a history of erasing transgender people's complexities and lived experiences. It happens whenever there's an act of misgendering or misnaming or a reliance on social assumptions that trans existence is essentially tragic or reducible to medical procedures. Thankfully, this year has seen a steady stream of trans-focused independent documentaries to offer a counterpoint, illuminating how nuanced, flawed, individualistic, and human trans lives are.

 I spoke via email with several filmmakers to learn how they worked toward capturing rich portraits of trans folks that evoke resilience, humor, history, and joy. A common theme emerged from our conversations: Gender transition, while a significant milestone, is not the only, or even necessarily the defining, part of every trans person's life. It's an ongoing process that informs and interacts with other roles and identities, albeit one that is too often rendered tragic by medical and legal stumbling blocks and social stigma. And, like any major change, it's worth celebrating -- even as life goes on despite and because of it."

As I followed down the list of documentaries, of course I knew of Kate Bornstein's (left) story and now there is actually a film being produced called "Kate Bornstein is a Queer and Present Danger" about her.

On the other hand there were many others in the post I had never of such as Bambi Lake (below) who is featured in Sticks and Stones and The Golden Age of Hustlers. I had no idea Bambi Lake was a "notorious" San Francisco performer who wrote the song, "The Golden Age of Hustlers," which is now being performed by trans artist Justin Vivian Bond in New York.

Bambi Lake
As I said there is a ton of information in Mitch Kellaway's post and you can follow the link above to read it!

As I did, I began to think what "beyond transition" would mean to me and will mull it over it a future Cyrsti's Condo post.

Halloween and Gender Breakthroughs

Halloween Image from the JJ Hart Archives.  Back again we go to Halloween and the effects it had on me as I developed into a novice transgen...