Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Trans Vice

I am going to pass along a link to Vice.com.
It's written by Paris Lees (below) who I have mentioned here in Cyrsti's Condo numerous times.
This article is an incredibly lengthy and sometimes raw  look at the do's and don'ts of being transgender aimed at the gay community.
Here's an example:

E.- "Everything Is So Fucking Hard, Even Buying Milk and Snickers Bars and Chewing Gum Let’s face it, life is tough. And everything’s worse when you’re trans. EVERYTHING. If you don't believe me, fellas, try cross-dressing and heading out to work. On the subway. Followed by dinner. If you're lucky, you'll just get laughed at all day. If you're unlucky, maybe you'll get raped or beaten or murdered. Maybe all three, as is way, WAY too common for those of us who don't "pass." Statistically, trans-folk are way likelier to be homeless, sex workers, mentally ill, and to commit suicide, too. Which is a pretty big bummer."

U.-"Unbelievable Stupidity, Everywhere As most people get most of their information about trans people from the media, and the media mostly knows jack shit about trans people, most people mostly know jack shit about trans people. Including those you’d really expect better from, like doctors and nurses. My nurse, for example, asked me what the difference between a transvestite and a transsexual is (and if you don’t know that, you’re stupid, too). People have died because medical staff refused to treat them after discovering they were trans. Because, really, apart from trans women, who cares?"

D - "Drag Drag is a gateway drug, kids. So be careful when you’re planning your next hilarious shenanigans. One minute you’re having the time of your life, dancing around in a cheap party wig; the next you're snorting estrogen off the back of a toilet seat. Seriously, it happened to me."

By now I'm sure you get the point and go here to read the rest!


Here we go again kids...yet another "Horror-Scope" and another fun one from Cyrsti's Condo...

" (September 23-October 22): You’re going to have to fight for your right to party this week. Between the emotional issues people will be having around you, which will somehow seep into your psyche, and the delays in money dealings, you will feel completely uncentered. To keep balance, focus your sights on one day at a time. If you try to see anything bigger than that, it’ll only result in moving backwards. I'm adding more this week."

 If you share the Libra sign with me, here are the ways we should live: 

Libra's: "Your genuine kindness, optimism, and creativity make this world a warmer and fairer place to live. You bring light and harmony wherever you go, and more often than not you also throw in a bouquet of fresh flowers. Truly, it’s tough not to love a Libra. Here are 10 ways we can all bring a little Libra magic into our lives… 1. Make everything around you beautiful, from the creative, colorful ways you adorn yourself to the lovely, inviting way you decorate your home. 2. Create harmony and balance in the world. 3. Always be understanding and accepting of people, just as they are. 4. Maintain an optimistic outlook on life–you can see the light in any situation, no matter how dark it may seem. 5. Prioritize your relationships and never pass up the chance to spend time with the people you love. 6. Be the friendliest, nicest person ever, and bring positive vibes to any situation. 7. Help people open their minds by gently reminding them that there are always two sides to any issue. 8. Make ample time in your life to relax and be as comfy cozy as possible. 9. Always be enthusiastic for other people’s good fortune–you’re the one others can count on to share in their happiness. 10. Be aware of the natural harmony, peace, and calmness you carry within yourself, and help share that with everyone around you."

As always, my astrology comes from theFrisky and "Horror Scope" is my term. Follow the link for yours!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Trans Daughter's of Anarchy?

Walton Goggins and "Girls"
A friend of mine just sent me this wonderful interview with Walton Goggins who is playing a transgender sex worker on the hyper masculine Son's of Anarchy. If you are not familiar "Son's" is centered around an outlaw motorcycle gang. The episode is titled " Orca Shrugged".
The link to an interview with Goggins comes from TVLine and goes in depth into the transition process from male to female and the on set interaction:

"About a year-and-a-half ago Kurt (Kurt Sutter writer) did an interview about Shield (another TV show) actors appearing on Sons of Anarchy. He said he could never have Michael Chiklis or Walton Goggins on the show because they’re too closely identified with their characters on The Shield. And I read this interview and I sent it to him and I said, “This is bulls–t.” [Laughs] I said, “What if I played a transgendered character?” And literally a year and a half later, Kurt texted me, “Remember that conversation we had about you playing a transgender character? Well, I’ve written something — and I’m not going to do it unless you do it.” So he sent me the script pages and I fell in love with her. And this happened while I was in the middle of filming [the upcoming Quentin Tarantino western] Django Unchained and I was in the [depth] of my masculinity. I had a full beard, and a f–king gun and my cowboy gear on; I was kicking ass. I went to work every day on Quentin’s movie ready to kick some ass. So initially didn’t know how to respond to it because I was so not there physically. But Kurt knocked it out of the park [with the script]. She was all the things I wanted her to be. So I said yes… I’ve always wanted to play a woman. I’ve always wanted to have that experience as an actor, and do it in a way that is very respectful and empowering to the [transgender] community. "

I think this episode has already aired. All I know it isn't scheduled for my FX channel this Tuesday night.
All the links you need for more information are above including an insight into a very impromptu kiss between Goggins and another male character on the set.

A True Transgender Winner?

The "label babble" normally always hits a fever pitch when a highly visible trans person does something really public.
Take Jenna Talackova for instance. I believe if you are going to get "nit-picky" about a label, you have to call her a transsexual.
Now along comes the beautiful "Miss International" winner Kevin Balot from the Philippines. Reportedly Kevin prefers to be called "she" while keeping her male name.
Transgender-right? Does it matter? No.
Truth is labels are just something humans need to get by and Kevin's goal is a very realistic hope that father accepts the changes in his only "son".
I would think pictures are worth a thousand words in this case!
At least the one of Kevin below.

She was a He?

Did he know those little blue pills were really estrogen????
I know...have to heal!
Here's the real point I was getting to:

"Kayo Sato is a famous model in Japan who confessed that “she” was a “he” on a TV show in 2010. She has been pretty popular since then among not only men but also girls due to her femininity and cuteness. Ms. Sato revealed her unbelievably pinched-in small waist as a cosplay character recently and the picture knocked out her fans. She posted pictures to her blog of herself dressed up as “Crimson Viper”, a character from the famous video game series “Street Fighter.” She poses in a costume that looks like a formal dress suit and the vest emphasizes her bust and waist. Her flat belly and curvy waist indeed make her look much more ’2D’ than ’3D.’ The picture KO’d fans, who raved over her beautiful face and sexy body."

From Rocket24

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Japan's Cross Dressing Double?

This story comes from Rocket News24. 
These days, even "more mature" girls such as myself have some knowledge of the world of anime and  it's resultant attraction to cosplayers which translates to crossplayers in English.
Ironically in Japan many cosplay regulations at many conventions include no cross dressers? Really?

It's true:
Male to Female Cosplayer Komo
The Rocket News article says female to male cosplay is incredibly popular in Japan and questions the double standard:

"Presumably, this is because organizers fear the event hall will be flooded with middle-aged men in schoolgirl uniforms and other oddities most people don’t want to see, but Naoko argues that this concern is misplaced and
that these days, male-to-female crossplayers are a visual force to be reckoned with."

Mio Ogura
I'm far from an expert on Japanese culture but with the cross dressing television shows and the like I have seen from there I'm relatively surprised.
Follow this link for more!

Merry Vet's Day

I have beat you all over the head with the fact that I'm a transgender veteran.
I totally believe the military is still a vast wasteland of transgender rights but at least now groups are forming to fight it.
My veteran service (like most everything else in my life) has turned out to be quite different from the norm.
I didn't join the military to reinforce my struggling masculinity- I was drafted into the second of two non-wars  Korea and Vietnam.
I'm not sure about Korea but there was no hero's welcome in my non war.  I wasn't one-but there were those that were.
But you know, I'm glad things have changed. War is war and serving is serving and it's great returning vets are getting some of their due.
I know there are many other trans-vets who stop by here in Cyrsti's Condo.  I just want to thank all of you!

Quote of the Day

Cyrsti's Condo quote of the day:

"Sex is between the legs, Gender is between the ears, Normal is neither."

A Little Too Late

I always think of these wonderful comments after the fact.
When the pharmacist asked me if I knew the prescription I was picking up was for Estrogen, I should looked at her and say WAIT you mean my little blue pills weren't Viagra? No wonder I was having trouble with my sex drive!

Running Against the Tide

Sarah McBride is running for the United States House of Representatives from the state of Delaware. Sarah grew up in Wilmington, and current...