Thursday, October 11, 2012

Amor Concepcion

Amor competed in Ms Amazing Philippines 2009 a few years ago. She didn't win which makes you think how "amazing" the winners were?
Tis the season! Here is another Cyrsti's Condo Halloween post from the past:

" In my own part of the world, Halloween is the second biggest holiday behind Christmas. It is absolutely HUGE! I was searching through some of my older posts for Halloween stories. Of course the season is a prime time to sneak out of the closet or even out yourself in the process. If you recall one of my earlier posts, I mildly outed myself after one memorable Halloween party in the Army of all places. In those days "transgender" wasn't even a word and I admitted to a fondness for women's clothes to several close friends. For you girls who I will refer to as "accomplished closet dwellers"; when you do head out, someone will notice how accomplished you are! By the way, I meant nothing at all negative about the comment. I understand the closet well!!!! What I meant was you have achieved an attractive female persona that no one else has seen. If you decide to attend a party with friends and or acquaintances, they will notice you girl! The solution of course, is to go to a party or a club where no one knows you. Of course, I've done it both ways. I timed a couple "business" trips to be out of town and out at a couple big Halloween parties at straight clubs. Quite a rush! On the other hand I took the compliments and the questions in stride when I attended parties with people I knew. A typical question was "don't your legs itch since you shaved them... but you really have great legs!"

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Alicia Liu

I'm actually testing a different posting style with more Alicia!

Quote of the Day

"Failures are people who never try"
Cyrsti's Condo


When I really started to learn what a feminine existence was all about, I went through several learning experiences early in the process.
Of course I learned my IQ dropped with men , I didn't know what I was talking about and people quit listening to me. Truth of the matter is everyone pretty much knows all of that.
What I was searching for was more of a true feminine socialization process. Such as:
What do genetic females really think about the world around them? Sure, a certain segment of the female population are victims. They want to blame men or whomever for their so called station in life.
I never felt I was a victim because I was transgender and I wanted to learn from genetic women who weren't victims either.
I ran across such a site and thought I would pass it along to you.
It's called xoJane .. Go here to it check out!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Alicia Liu

This is model Alicia Liu . She is a 24 year old model from Taiwan. Alicia is a successful model in Taiwan- appearing in commercials, promo shoots and videos. No one knew until recently that she is a transsexual woman until a former schoolmate outed her.


"Now where the hell is that cyrstal ball?"
OK kids-here you go. This is yet another wild "Horror Scope" in Cyrsti's Condo. Maybe I'm becoming a believer!

" Libra (September 23 - October 22) You’ll be feeling your curiosity veer off into wild new directions. Don’t stop to pick up passengers; this is a solo ride you have to take on your own. Not that you have to unload your baggage, but just put it aside for a while and learn something that is all about your pleasure and betterment. Anyone in your way can suck it. Astro Guide 2012: Libra"

As always: "Horror-scope" is my name for the version I get from theFrisky go here to get yours!

Picture Perfect

I haven't passed along any photos or videos for a couple days soooo...I thought I would pull a couple out of the dusty archives here in Cyrsti's Condo.

Just two guys "out" for the evening
Weekend Help?
"Are the balloons a bit much?"

I've Been Spotted in Space

I'm so flattered!
Go here to see it!

How Far will You Go?

Image from UnSplash. I have always viewed my transgender journey as a series of upward steps. A few of the steps were short and easy to take...