Sunday, August 26, 2012

Thai and Transgender

Baramee Phanich is looking forward to Thursday. That's when he, along with other Thammasat University graduates, will be attending the annual royally sponsored graduation ceremony. For Baramee or Denjan, as he's known to family and friends, the ceremony has special meaning, as he, along with four fellow transgender students, have been granted permission to dress as women.

It's all Fun until Someone Gets an Eye Put Out

Here you go, a very serious look at the behind the scenes workings of Cyrsti's Transgender Condo.
Well, maybe not so serious-this is not brain surgery. If it was we would all be in trouble.
In case you haven't noticed, my thought patterns are all over the place. Inspirations for me (well I had to come up with some sort of term) either are like an Oak Tree in the middle of a dessert (none) or a long Chessie freight train running through my head. (hundreds)
Currently, I have been writing down ideas by hand in a note book and checking them out when I get home. So what I have now is yet another pile of written thoughts. Being the progressive critter I am, I am looking at electronic devices to transfer all this stuff to.
As I was going over some of my older stuff, I just found this title. It's cool, it's fun, it's violent! BUT where was I going with this?
Maybe my long lost Vagina post? I have thought about going to the Rad Femme fun bunch for a vagina answer: How much is the relative value of a home grown vagina as compared to a constructed purchased one? Is there a commodity price on the stock market? Somehow I don't think they would see the sense of humor and it's more entertaining to watch the ones who bought one fight with them.
Chances are my eye would have been at the least verbally blackened so I don't think I was going the vagina direction.
As I shuffle through this mass of notes, I'm sure I'll figure out where I was headed-by next spring.

Getting HOT in the Condo

I've been in a "hormonal furnace" lately-positively burning up. Then I found this video and posted it to Cyrsti's Home Entertainment Center And REALLY had to kick in the air conditioning to cool this place off. It starts slow but then starts to pick up steam!

Hetero Sexual Male Video

Pure great entertainment!

Spam, Spam, Spam

I just got really hammered on twitter with a spam trashing...even though I "supposedly" have a service that stops it.
A couple slipped through to the blog area which lists my "tweets". I removed that option totally.
I sincerely hope no one else saw it and pursued it as it wasn't me promoting a fantastic offer!
I wouldn't do such a thing.
Or knowingly pass along the porno trash I got spammed with.


Thought of the Day-Cyrsti's Condo

"What if you don't know enough to not know enough to know how to fix it?"
(Unknown has a huge amount of material out there!)

Saturday, August 25, 2012


From the Roberta Close post:The first photo does not show Robert Close. This is Patricia Araujo, Monika Thanks!!!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Portraits of Transgender Kids

In 2003, Susan Wong began documenting children in her native Netherlands> Her work led to “Inside Out: Portraits of Cross-Gender Children,” with text by the Dutch medical journalist Ellen de Visser. The book, which came out in the Netherlands in 2010, follows children who have changed or are in the process of changing their gender and includes multiple portraits of them over the course of seven years.
For the complete article -go here.

 Shown to the right, Jasmin at age 9 and 17.

Transphobic Brazil?

Ironically, just after I ran a feature on Brazilian transsexual model and star Roberta Close here in Cyrsti's Condo, up pops this story from the Toronto Star in Canada about a transgender woman fearing deportation to her native Brazil. "Silvani Marques, 37, an engineer, has been taking hormone treatments and dresses as a woman. He shows a photo shoot of himself wearing different women’s dresses as part of an online gallery. Marques claims Brazilians “do not tolerate transgender or homosexuals” and he faces a life of intimidation and discrimination on his return to Sao Paulo. “I am really worried about my personal safety and the discrimination I face,” Marques said on Thursday. “Transgender people are not widely accepted in Brazil.” He has been packing his goods and selling belongings since he’s only allowed to return with one suitcase. Marques claims a homosexual person is killed in Brazil every 26-hours"

Transgender Instincts

Image from Atich Bana  on Unspalsh.   First, I need to apologize for missing a post yesterday. I went to my primary provider at the local Ve...