Monday, February 19, 2018

Good News

Amidst the usual bad news surrounding the transgender world, comes a bright story:

A trans teen will be under the care of his supportive maternal grandparents after an Ohio judge denied custody to the child's transphobic parents, the Associated Press reports.

The 17-year-old was suffering from depression and anxiety, and was deemed a suicide risk, possibly because his father refused to accept his gender identity nor allow his transition. A juvenile court judge in Cincinnati ruled on Friday that the child should be under the care of his maternal grandparents, who support his transition and are prepared to allow him access to hormone therapy. The judge did rule that the youth must see a psychologist before he can begin hormone treatments."

Hopefully, more successful cases such as this will follow!

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Happy Sunday

Well, it has been quite the week, for a relatively quiet one.

As I wrote about here in Cyrsti's Condo, I am working on a borrowed computer until I can get the laptop I normally use up and running. Hopefully, it is something minor. I miss my normal spell check as well as other things I am used to, such as adding links. Oh well!

Again this week, I made another trip North to see one of my doctors at the VA in Dayton, Ohio. I narrowly missed seeing a transgender psychiatrist, I don't normally see. Not a big deal, except it is always nice to talk to another trans person. Who, by the way, is Mtf transitioning nicely. I can really notice a positive change. I know she transitioned into the VA out of the military, so I can only guess the courage and difficulty in what she is doing.

Yesterday, we hosted a birthday party here at the house for Liz's (my partner) brother.  He was fairly talkative for a change, and actually said a few things to me. So, the afternoon was pleasurable, I went with light makeup, a sweater and jeans. Since he has seen me many times before.

Also, I wrote about my desire to lose a few pounds here and there (mostly here) before Spring/Summer. I mentioned I have read HRT will make losing weight more difficult, as it changes your metabolism into a more feminine mode. Regular blogger Paula Goodwin wrote in and commented old age has something to do with it too. Thanks Paula! I think :).

Other than that, it was a very mundane week except for yet another tragic school shooting in Florida. I am taking this chance to send out my condolences to all of those directly affected by this senseless tragedy. I wish I could even begin to speculate where this is ever going to end. It's crazy I have to fear for my grand kids in school.

I hope your week was good also!

Friday, February 16, 2018

Spring Has Spung?

This is the time of year, here in Southwestern Ohio, when every once in a while, Momma Nature decides to tease us with a touch of Spring.

Of course we natives know, we have a long way to go before Spring weather arrives for good. The delay, though, does give us time to consider what wardrobe we have left and what we will need to face the season.

I'm thinking, I am about half way there, and need to do some discernible shopping to get me into the summer months.

Fortunately, I am hearing very good reports about a Dilliards Outlet Store in a nearby mall. If you are not familiar, Dillards is an upscale department store. I most certainly will be headed there to look, plus I am a confirmed "thrifter", and on occasion love to shop a couple of nearby thrift stores. I plan too on taking a few items of clothing to the exchange which is being planned for our cross dresser - transgender support group. Maybe I can pick up an item or two there.

Summer time Pic.
Also, weight has a lot to do with my Spring/Summer plans. So far, I have taken off the first four pounds of a planned twenty pound goal. We will see, how much harder weight loss will be for me now since I have been taking transgender HRT meds for over three years now. I have always heard, as a trans girl begins to pick up the body characteristics of a cis woman, it is harder for us to lose weight too.

I can only say, I have a long way to go.

Hopefully, Spring will have sprung around here by then, and I will be ready. Easily, I have until April to do it.

Sisters on Vacation?

  Liz. Outside of Harpoon Harry's in Key West. The first inclination I was being accepted as my authentic feminine self on my vacation c...