Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Love It When a Plan Comes Together

Yesterday was one of those days. Like it or not I had a full day of appointments at the VA, usually the litmus test of my external acceptance as a woman. Over the years being transgender I have had my share of stares and comments from other patients (not staff). In fact in the case of some of my health care providers I have MtF transitioned in front of them as they prescribed my HRT.

Of course the success was a product of the two "c's" - clothing and confidence. From the ground up I wore my new boots, black tights and a lite sweater which dropped over my hips. For once I did just the right amount of makeup to look light I wasn't trying and my hair is still holding it's color and fighting back the gray.

Most importantly though, all my health appointments came through well. Without your health after all nothing else matters.

Secondly, I didn't receive many learing second looks and the only comments were "Ma'am" and "She."

The whole day was worth the old days of torment and turmoil I endured and I wondered why. I give credit to the boots giving me the support to improve my posture. Standing up straight has been such a hard habit to break. For such a long time I felt bending over a bit cut my height down. It did but gave me the poor posture most women don't have. Plus, even standing up straight still didn't make me that tall and more importantly made me look thicker. Not a good thing.

Finally, confidence is such a fragile thing. I for one would think as long as I have been out and about now, I would have plenty. Even still, confidence is my constant companion in my purse-good or bad. Yesterday it turns out I had plenty of the good kind.

Monday, November 14, 2016


Recently I received a message from a representative from who has put together a comprehensive world wide guide to Sexual Reassignment Surgery (SRS).

The guide is very informative and I thought you may want to take a look the same as I did! Follow the link above.

Cyrsti's Condo Monday Edition

Due to my continued ease of non access to a computer, I have decided to do a  Monday edition today which (obviously) will replace the Sunday Edition from yesterday. It's a bright chilly fall day here in Ohio, perfect for a hot cup o joe or tea! Let's get started.

Page One-The Week that Was or Wasn't: Of course the elections have come and gone and although I don't think anything is as bad or good as it seems, I still carry a fair amount of paranoia. At the least, the far right is mounting an effort already to repeal any rights we have gained as an LGBTQ community. I do wonder how many people protesting Trump in the streets actually voted when 47% of the populace didn't.

Page Two-Yesterday's Coffee: Other the scrambling for computer time, I was able to do a bit of succesful seasonal shopping. I did manage to find a wonderful pair of calf high charcoal grey boots in my size which fit perfectly! I wear an 11Wide, not exactly the most popular size in the world of women's shoes. Of course, such a nice pair of boots would have to have plenty of leggings to go with them, which I already had. What I didn't have though were long sweaters to complete my outfit. I also found one of those yesterday plus one I didn't know I had in an old closet. My goal is to have a couple sharp outfits to chose from for Liz's company party and New Years Eve.

Page Three-TDOR: Don't forget Transgender Day of Remembrance is coming up this Sunday, November 20th. I am helping with the greater Cincinnati event and don't think for a moment we all don't have worries about increased security. To run and hide at this point of my life would be the greatest injustice of all.

Page Four-the Back Page: There you go William! Thanks for asking about the Sunday Edition :).
With a little continued good fortune, I will be back in the internet saddle again on a regular basis soon.
Luv ya all!

Transgender Instincts

Image from Atich Bana  on Unspalsh.   First, I need to apologize for missing a post yesterday. I went to my primary provider at the local Ve...