Wednesday, September 21, 2016

"Struttin" With The Trans Peeps

From Variety:
"“They’re the best people in the world,” Whoopi Goldberg says about the cast of “Strut,” her new Oxygen show that follows a group of models signed to Slay Model Management, an exclusively transgender modeling agency.
The first reality modeling show to focus solely on transgender artists, “Strut,” which Goldberg executive produces with her producing partner Tom Leonardis, is breaking ground in the unscripted space and marks the latest series in the recent wave of trans-centric programming.

“Our programming commitment is to showcase people on journeys to find their truth — and be their truth. This is a generation who most definitely aren’t going to be confined by yesterday’s social mores and rules,” Rod Aissa, executive vice president of original programming and development at Oxygen, tells Variety."
I have only seen a partial show, but to me it takes a clear true shot at the overly dramatic world of transgender women. Mixed in with just a small dose of reality. The show I saw had quite the scene with the trans guy coming out to his mother.
Even still, I lean towards calling it the "Real Trans Models of L.A." to go with all the Real Housewives shows. Not must see trans programming but entertaining and definitely glamorous! 
To see more and if you can view it on Oxygen go here.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Time Flies

My Mom said it best: "Never wish time away, it's like a roll of toilet paper. The closer to the end you come, the faster it goes."

I didn't quite wish the year away but it doesn't seem possible it's been that long since I began to legalize my gender markers, and here I am taking care of my annual driver's license/ car registration renewals. Otherwise known as yet another money grab by the state.

Looking back over the year with all of you, as much as I want to whine about my minor (fortunately) health issues, I really don't have a lot to complain about.

Even the gender marker path wasn't too bad here in Ohio except I still can't get my birth certificate gender changed which means I still can't use the rest room in some states.

As we all know, our basic health is everything and even the VA seems to be on the upswing.

Plus, I have been semi successful in not talking politics (or religion) except with my closest friends and hopefully will be invited on a couple paranormal adventures in October.

So life is good right now as my toilet paper roll spins faster.

Now it's time to go give my taxation without representation money to the state.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Girl Packing

I have written several times concerning our (Liz and I's) upcoming six day vacation to Maine.

Those of you who are crossdressers, transgender women of any experience or one of the cis women (quit laughing!) who read the blog, know the outright challenge of packing for such an adventure. Especially when we are allowed only one suitcase and carry on bag. So no five suitcases girls.

To make matters worse, we are entirely sure yet of how the weather will change, as we cross into fall.

I am approaching the whole trip on the conservative side with clothes that will fit into a medium size suitcase and what I call my "heavy casual" wardrobe of jeans and tennis shoes designed for walking and browsing the shops.

Also, I am bringing my light weight long sleeved tops and maybe one sweater (if I can sneak it in) for the day we go whale watching. (Hope the whales know we are coming to watch and the Lobster Bake.)

All whining aside I can't wait to get started on this adventure!

Back Up Plans

  JJ Hart visiting Key Largo. Following several near misses as a novice transgender woman out into the world, I began to smarten up and have...