Showing posts with label doors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label doors. Show all posts

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Opening New Doors


Ohio River image.

It took me over a half a century to open all the possible doors I could before I decided to begin gender affirming hormones and transition into a full-time feminine life.

For any number of reasons. I over-reacted and resorted to excessive experimentation  before I quit knocking on so many doors. Such as, behind door number one was a wife who did not approve.  Other doors had the usual questions such as what would I do with my friends. extended family and employment. 

Before I could make it to the other main doors, I needed to prove to myself beyond any shadow of a doubt, I belonged in the world as a transgender woman. What took me so long was I needed to live my male life at the same time as my new femininized life. Switching back and forth between the male and female genders took a toll on me but I kept slowly finding new doors to knock on and walk through. What I did was single out a door to go through and then judge the reaction. If I was successful, I would look for another door and if I was not, I would go back to the drawing board and attempt to figure out what went wrong. Often I found out the hard way that even though I was accepted in many venues, in others I was not. Mainly when I pushed the envelope too far and journeyed into the wrong redneck venue just to see if I could. 

Other doors I attempted to open and was successful is when I went to very small diverse mixers at an acquaintance's house in Columbus, Ohio. During the parties, I was able to meet all levels of the transgender community and see how I measured up. Especially with one of the transsexual women who I admired so much. Even though I did admire her, I learned her life was not applicable to mine and I had to keep looking for my own door. Since her path would not work for me. She was a soon to be retired Columbus fire person and was looking forward to a good pension to support her as a single woman. Plus she had good insurance, and I had none of them, I wondered how I was ever able to make it to my dream. 

On occasion, I grew frustrated with the number of doors I needed to go through. It seemed just when I thought I was successful, I was met with a dead end and needed to turn back. I did purge a few times and tried to put my male self in total control but deep down inside I knew the purge was only temporary and my girl self would re-emerge. She always did, stronger than ever searching for the mysterious, magical next door to go through. Sometimes it seemed as if I was stuck in a huge gender maze trapped and looking for a way out. 

Finally, I knew it was time to put my maze, doors and gender past behind me and do the right thing. I found the way out I was always looking for and she was with me all along. All I needed to do was admit the truth. All those years of looking behind all those doors made me aware of one main thing, don't wish for what you want because you just may get it. 

I wished for a full time transgender existence and kept opening doors until I got it. 

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Transgender Doors


Image from Nathan Wright 
on UnSplash

Anyway you look at it, doors are meant to be opened. No matter how scary and difficult the door may appear, to try to see what is beyond it is a part of being human.

As a transgender woman or trans man we have many doors to go through to live as our authentic selves. The first door I remember distinctly was the one when I fought to free myself from the mirror and venture out into a feminine world. The entire process was scary and required maximum effort for me to succeed. Primarily I needed to always remember to keep trying, no matter what the circumstances. Along the way, many times, I needed to turn my tears of public failure into eventual success. 

Another door I needed to go through in the beginning was the fact I was going to have to succeed as a transgender woman on my own. My wife knew I was a transvestite or cross dresser but constantly remined me she never signed up to live with another woman. I understood and went about learning all I could about being a trans person on my own. To do it, I needed to do many things I am not proud of, then and now. Primarily, I was going out on her to be with another woman who turned out to be me. Sadly, I would go to any lengths to further my goal of exploring the world as a feminine person. 

As I began to see progress in my presentation as a transgender woman, it just so happened I found many more doors I needed to open and go through. First and foremost I needed to decide I was transgender and what the term meant to me. I needed to leave the transvestite term behind, as well as any idea I was anything more than a very serious cross dresser. Taking the whole process a step further, I had to face the one fact I had always secretly known about me, I wanted to do much more than just look like a woman. I had known for many years I had lost any attraction to just wearing the clothes and needed more. I also learned each door I had the courage to go through showed me how natural the process was for me. 

I learned also some doors opened easier than others. Basic communication with the world was an example of a very heavy and difficult door. First I needed to establish my own self confidence before I could even attempt to communicate with others. Especially other women. I learned to look strangers in the eye and not care if they thought I was transgender or not. Once I did, I needed to establish my new personality which involved opening a whole different door. I most certainly did not want to come off as an unfriendly or somehow evil person. After all, how many humans have the chance to rebuild another person from scratch. The pressure was on not to screw it up since I had such a wonderful knowledge of how both primary genders operate. I desperately wanted to be a person someone would want to know. 

Even though I found many doors I needed to open and negotiate, I loved the inherent excitement of gender discovery. No matter how heavy or how scary I managed to keep going forward to my goal of living full time as a transgender woman.

Born This Way

Image from Vonecia Carswell on UnSplash.   I had no choice; I was born with gender issues which I would have to deal with my entire life. It...