Showing posts with label Ashlyn Parram. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ashlyn Parram. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Chris Walls

Reportively Chris Walls was the Headmaster 16 year old Ashlyn Parram  (above) backed down after being refused testing when she showed up in her girls uniform.  Ashlyn showed him a copy of the Equality Act 2010, which stated she had to be treated the same as other pupils at the Giles Academy, Lincolnshire.
Ashlyn, who was wearing make-up and hair extensions as well as a girl’s uniform, claimed, however, that when she returned to the sports hall for the GCSE maths paper she was segregated from other pupils. She was put at the back of the room 40ft from everyone else.
Ashlyn, who used to be called Lewis, said: ‘The whole way through the exam I felt like bursting into tears, and it was around 15 minutes before I even started the exam because I was so upset. Two points:
If this story is true then Chris Walls should be deluged with emails about his attitude and two: 
What the hell is the Mail on line doing following up a "16 Year Old Transsexual" headline with the "he" pronoun in the story? I changed the he's to she's.  Really?

Lewis before Ashlyn

Monday, July 23, 2012

Transgender Youth Fighting for her Future

A headmaster tried to ban a transgender schoolboy from sitting an exam dressed in girls' uniform - until the pupil slammed a copy of the Equality Act on his desk.
Ashlyn Parram, 16, wore girl's tights, a skirt and blazer to her first GCSE exam but was told she could not sit the paper, because she was not in correct uniform.
Incredibly, the furious teen had printed off a copy of the law governing discrimination in Britain and marched straight to head teacher Chris Wall's office for a showdown.
More from the "Huffington Post"

"Ashlyn pointed out the law to the gobsmacked head - a former Olympic diver - who then admitted he could not stop her taking the test.
But when Ashlyn reached the exam room she was forced to sit apart from the other pupils on the other side of the sports hall - in segregation.
The year 11 has openly lived as a girl at home for two years but has sensitively toned down her appearance at Giles Academy, Boston, Lincolnshire to avoid abuse.
Her mum Miranda Johnson on Monday publicly backed her gutsy daughter, who has officially been diagnosed with gender dysphoria.
The family have lodged a formal complaint against Mr Walls, who they claim has failed to help protect Ashlyn - one of the youngest in Britain to begin sex-change treatment on the NHS.
Ashlyn and Mom (right)
They claim Ashlyn has been forced to ensure a string of bullying and discrimination by pupils - and even teachers.
Shockingly, during a series of meetings with school bosses to address failings alleged by Ashlyn's parents one senior teacher even told them gender dysphoria doesn't exist. The teacher said: "This is Lincolnshire - we are a very conservative county - we don't have things like that."

Really???? Follow the link for more!

Preparing to Lose

  JJ Hart speaking at a Cincinnati Trans Wellness  Conference. When I first began to explore my transgender womanhood in public, I was rejec...