Tuesday, September 24, 2024

What Now? More Steps???

Image from Henri Pham
on UnSplash

As I view my progression into a transgender lifestyle, I see it as a series of steps. In other words once I arrived at one step I needed to look around and see what was coming next. 

It all started innocently enough after I discovered I could wear certain items of my Mom's wardrobe and admire myself in the mirror. After that step, I found I wanted to shave my legs, put on hose and a mini skirt I found at school and head outside to check the mail at our house. I knew I was hooked and needed to figure out what was next in my life. 

The next step was very difficult to come by as I mentioned in yesterdays post., I needed to acquire the makeup and then learn how to use it. My next step upwards did not actually come until my college days when I was able to buy a wig I loved for a girlfriend I had, then keep it when we broke up. Finally, I could complete the total makeup and hair step and I loved it. It was around that time when I became brave enough to attempt to express my feminine side at Halloween parties. Immediately I began to learn new lessons from the experience such as how I was separated from all the male friends I had when I was cross dressed as a woman. I was excluded from the club.

From that point onwards I needed to decide if I wanted to be excluded from a club I worked so hard to be a part of. It was a huge step in my life when I decided I should and would give up my male past and go forward as a transgender woman. Little did I know, when I made the decision, so many steps were to come. Such as when I began to enter the world as a woman, I needed to concentrate on so much more than just look like one. I compared the process with taking a mirror image and then putting it into motion. I needed to concentrate on femininizing my movements and then undertaking the biggest challenge of all, communicating one on one with the world. Which meant mostly women since most men had the tendency to leave me alone because their sexuality was threatened. 

My steps then came quicker and quicker the more I tested the world. Confidence came when I successfully negotiated one step after another and was ready to move on. At times the process was not easy when I thought I was moving too fast. I paused and began to consider how much I had to lose if I continued on the path I was on. I was on a collision course with the reality of my true gender. My next step just had to be gender affirming hormones or HRT. Fortunately I sought out medical and therapeutic help and was approved for the hormones. A huge step as my what now was answered. My body took to the hormones easily and I was able to flourish. 

Finally I ran out of steps and excuses and decided to give my male clothes to charity. What now became the future and it was time to live a life as a transgender woman. 

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