Saturday, February 4, 2012

Is It Hot In Here?

It was very hot in here for about five minutes or so yesterday about 6 pm.
I was coming back inside from an unseasonably warm February day in my winter part of the world.
Took off my coat and sat down and BOOM!
I literally felt this rush of energy that went entirely to my face and I felt as if I was sitting looking up at a hot July summer sun at noon. My face and only my face was burning up but curiously, I wasn't sweating.
I thought maybe this was the start of the little known curiosity called "spontaneous combustion". Maybe you've read the stories of someone who was sitting in their easy chair one moment and the next thing you (or they) knew they were a pile of ashes.
Well, since I'm sitting here writing this-I didn't self combust.
What I did have was my first "hot flash". I know now a little of what my genetic female friends were talking about over the years. Wow!
It was quite the experience and left me feeling quite "warm and fuzzy" after the heat subsided.
Obviously, the hormones are doing their job!

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