Thursday, December 20, 2012

Trans Star Miriam Rivera

Miriam Rivera is a Mexican transgender
woman who appeared on the reality television show you may remember called There's Something About Miriam and Big Brother Australia 2004. She wanted to be a girl by age four but has stated she does not plan to have sex reassignment surgery, citing concerns about complications or loss of sensation.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Transition in Sound

As you all know, I try to pass along the transgender YouTube videos which are sent to me. I love the obvious joy and happiness in almost all of the ones I post here in Cyrsti's Condo. This one is another!

Dutch Trans Barbie!

Kelly van der Veer is a Dutch former Big Brother contestant, singer and television personality. She was born a male named Ferry on May 6, 1980, but underwent sex reassignment surgery at the age of 19.
Her childhood idol was Barbie.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A "Bubble-Lucious" Fashion Site

Tickle your fashion fancy and add a few hidden curves girls by heading here!
It's "Bubble-luscious" and ideal for cross dressers everywhere.

Kristian Ruscitti

Beautiful transgender woman Kristian Ruscitti lives in Portland OR and does modeling work around the world. She is an Italian/American model/make up artist, who has been working in the fashion/beauty industry for nearly 20 years. She began her career at the age of 19 as a designer fashion runway and print model in Milan, Italy.

The First Transsexual Lady

Candy Magazine is featuring a transgender model made up to look like Michelle Obama being sworn into office.
The split front cover (left) shows New York model Connie Fleming being sworn into office and waving a U.S. flag accompanied by the headline 'The Candydate'. Fleming of course is dressed in typical First Lady fashion complete to the pearl necklace and hair style.
I can't resist. Behind every good woman is a good man?

Cross Dressing on Spanish TV

This a story from the Aida TeleCinco Spanish sitcom which goes something like this:
" Mecos hung a quirky billboard of Fidel.  However, This does not sit too well, since he is trying to make life impossible. Then,  Fidel and Jonathan ally against Mecos to devise an evil plan: make him think that Fidel is a tall attractive young woman surrendered to fall at his feet."

My apologies for my translation of a translation! Go here for more!

Ukrainian Singer

This is the Ukrainian party Idol and singer Boris April before and after !

We Got Mail!

This well thought out comment comes from Dianne replying to the Transgender Due Diligence post here in Cyrsti's Condo.

"This is so good! Thanks. There are two schools of thought that love to clash in the trans community. First philosophy, Trans care is a commodity and should be accessible to all. You visit a shrink, go out of the country, snip, you live as a woman. A light hearted, free spirited approach that figures you will likely be OK. Second philosophy, you have to prove you are a "true" transsexual by suffering, then you change your whole life and leave everyone behind, then you deny you ever lived another way. Somewhere along the line you have surgery and then you denigrate everyone else coming along behind. You earned the right to be harsh and you will be as Bit%&y as you want! Obviously to some, the real world might be somewhere in between. The Middle Path. In both extremes the socialization and the acceptance in society seems to be an assumed result of surgery that will just occur by itself. In both extremes the people at the other end are viewed as stupid and don't get it. I'm not really sure anyone at either end can even SEE the far off horizon of the other extreme. Me, I'm in the middle so it seems like one half of the trans world thinks I'm a stodgy old worry wart of a thing. That I waited too long out of fear or something. The other half thinks I'm a know nothing that can't imagine how lonely it is to be so lonely so just stay the Heck away from me (just like everyone else does, see???) They think their experience is totally unique and completely unlike mine. I've never been at either extreme of anything. Actually, I'm a duck. I look calm on the top of the water but I'm paddling like crazy underneath. I paid 15 years ago when I broke my life up and almost transitioned (I got scared...). My socialization? The other day I looked back and realized that I have had, maybe, 4 or 5 close male friends in my entire life. My closest friends that I've shared the most with have always been women. I just waited a long time to join them!"

I love the final line! Plus at one point of time I counted a similar number of male friends in my life also.

Feeling the Pain

  Image from Eugenia  Maximova  on UnSplash. Learning on the fly all I needed to know concerning my authentic life as a transgender woman of...