Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Life as a "Girly- Girl"

One of the most volatile issues of life in the trans lane has to resolve around one of the most basic functions of them all-the rest room.
We have had our discussions here in Cyrsti's Condo leading mainly to unresolvable disputes and hurt feelings. Comments have ranged from who the hell cares to stay the hell out of there.  Some think the room should stay the revered sanctuary for the genetic gender one was born with- or paid to be part of.
Don't want to re hash all of that again.
What I do want to bring up are the girly girls who slyly want to comment how proud they are of their rest room permit by praising the pristine condition of all the women's rooms they frequent.
You probably have read my posts in the past just saying I'm not much of a girly girl. In fact, early in my life when I was coming out of the cross dressing closet, I was roundly chided for wearing slacks or women's jeans at all.  Where were my frilly dresses?
So I figured my rest room ideas once again placed me in transgender minority. (Surprise, Surprise!)
On top of that, I worked in the commercial food industry for years and I saw my share of trashed women's rooms. Or the concerts, sporting events and other public venues I have been to when women invaded the men's facilities.  You know, I just didn't feel that violated and did not call the cops.
So, I never buy into the pristine female concepts.
Of course I do accept the biological fact that men have to aim and don't clean up but don't tell me it is an inclusive male trait.
I mean were you ever subjected to a Tyra Banks toilet seat rant? "Me thinks" she wasn't talking about the men's room.
"Me also thinks" the trans peeps who view the women's room as yet another pristine perk of their transition just don't get out enough.

Classic Female Impersonators

From YouTube, a montage of a few of the classic female impersonators of the past. Yet a different layer of entertainment from the Drag Queens of today.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Chinese Cosplay

Chinese male model Hao Ge

Horror Scope!

It's here again friends. Another "Horror Scope"

Libra (September 23- October 22)
If you want to be on top, you just have to think it and assume the position. There is no time to wait for the world to get into place, because you know it doesn’t work like that. If anything, know you will need a broader perspective now, widening your point of view. So, get in the know, and hop aboard.

As always, from theFrisky.

**It is always important to note "Horror Scope" is my definition !

Quote of the Day

"Just the right amount of wrong!"
Just don't remember where I heard it!

Half & Half Drag

From the Huffington Post:
In his Half Drag series, New York photographer Leland Bobbe' captured the the two sides of some of the city's drag queens.
For a larger sample go here!

Monday, August 6, 2012

New Picture

God I hate pictures BUT here it Glamour Shot, no Photo Shop wizardry.
Just me.
Actually it isn't's at the top of the blog and represents the most current look I today.

Quote of the Day

"Today is history...tomorrow!
Cyrsti's Condo.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Transgender Martians

Just wanted to see if you were paying attention.
Just got to thinking if NASA did discover the first intelligent life anywhere.
Remember the movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind"?
If you saw it, could you tell what gender the space critters were?
If intelligent life ever evolves on earth, what will that mean to gender?

Transgender Instincts

Image from Atich Bana  on Unspalsh.   First, I need to apologize for missing a post yesterday. I went to my primary provider at the local Ve...