Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Quote of the Day

"Just the right amount of wrong!"
Just don't remember where I heard it!

Half & Half Drag

From the Huffington Post:
In his Half Drag series, New York photographer Leland Bobbe' captured the the two sides of some of the city's drag queens.
For a larger sample go here!

Monday, August 6, 2012

New Picture

God I hate pictures BUT here it is...no Glamour Shot, no Photo Shop wizardry.
Just me.
Actually it isn't here...it's at the top of the blog and represents the most current look I have...like today.

Quote of the Day

"Today is history...tomorrow!
Cyrsti's Condo.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Transgender Martians

Just wanted to see if you were paying attention.
Just got to thinking if NASA did discover the first intelligent life anywhere.
Remember the movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind"?
If you saw it, could you tell what gender the space critters were?
If intelligent life ever evolves on earth, what will that mean to gender?

Classic Female Impersonation

"Back in the day" Finocchio's opened in 1936 as a mecca of classic female impersonation in San Francisco.
I can't even pretend to say the 30's were a simpler time for anyone in the transgender culture. The word hadn't even been invented yet.
In the midst of all of this Finocchio's managed to stay in existence until 1999.
Pictured on the right is performer Bobby Jonson circa 1943.

For more history on the club, go here.


Some of you know I'm semi retired.
The main benefit of working more hours than I was when I had a regular job is that I pretty much have a 24 hour day.  Sometimes 3 AM is as productive as 3 PM.
The problem is when my life all of the sudden just starts to blend together. At that point, I'm looking for a place to hide.
Oddly enough, the best time for me to "run and hide" is approximately 3 in the afternoon...or go visit friends who moved to very remote areas of Eastern Ky.
The drive is about 5 or so hours from me and without stressful navigation of major metro areas.
A wonderful time to think
I planned on being able to post to the blog from my Android but didn't plan on being an hour out of any service.
I could say my service was fuzzy but my thoughts at the least had some clarity.
My gender progression is very clear but quite of few of other my life issues just aren't.  I have this huge problem of a foggy crystal ball and a need to cover financial issues.
Sounds familiar, right?
In the recent past, I admit a long term plan for me lasted about 3 months and I am proud to admit now I have increased the time period to at least 6 months.
Why? Because I have increased my knowledge of formulas!
Yes! All those years I trying to figure out why A+B+C=D. Really? Prove it.
I was wondering if that was true, why was I feeling like a girl?
OK, I know this is a strech but my point is I did figure out the gender formula only works for the Radical Right, Rad Femmes and certain chicken joints.
I also came up with my own life formulas for other issues.
Get your pencils ready:
A+B=C and if it doesn't, it will equal D and if it doesn't maybe it will equal F.
For me, life has been a shell game many times.
The clarity of the day slowed the shells down enough that I think I know what's under them and I can move forward.
If not, plans B and C might work instead.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Lee Pace

Actor Lee Pace went through some very drastic changes several years ago to portray Calpernia Addams.

From the "Soldier's Girl" movie:
Pace and Calpernia
Pace as Calpernia

Man Boobs and Beyond

The way I have approached my hormonal journey is a chosen slower, monitored approach.
Over the past 7 months, I believe I have tried to keep you abreast (couldn't help it) of the changes.
Recently. I think I have been the last to know.
Lately when I have gone braless as a guy, all of the sudden I'm getting a tell tale quick look to the chest area.
This is happening in my loosest T-shirts so I'm getting excited about the results...maybe too excited. (In the nipple area.)
In my part of the world there are more and more obese guys with man boobs so what's the difference between them and me? Very simply, shape and sensitive nipples.
Now I know and have seen man boobs with a decent set of nipples but I wonder about their sensitivity.
In the meantime, time marches on in my transgender journey and around every turn there seems to be another surprise!

Transgender Instincts

Image from Atich Bana  on Unspalsh.   First, I need to apologize for missing a post yesterday. I went to my primary provider at the local Ve...