Monday, July 16, 2012

Making It in a Man's World?

Quite the question right?
All that male "privilege" we so gladly gave up-how's that workin' for ya?
I can't speak for all of you but if I did, probably most of you would say it's a learning process but you are doing the best you can.
Some would argue it's not a man's world after all and how about you FtM trans men who are ready to enter it?
The best argument is that it's a gender world and becoming more and more so.
I have a grandson who tanked an important placement test basically because his older sister did so well on it.
Sure, if you are blessed with those model like good looks that most genetic women aren't blessed with; maybe you would have a sort of female privilege.
In the meantime making it in the gender world is a real effort. Almost everything comes at you from a different angle.
The biggest different angle is when you find how much of a women's world it is. Since you have decided to enter their world, you are fair game. The good part is most of the women I have encountered have been wonderful. The fact remains though some of the ugliest moments I can remember have come from female encounters and women are much meaner to each other than men are.
As you learn to make it in a man's world...don't forget the gender who runs the show. Women.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Trans Humor

Here are two or three comments I made in passing when I was talking to my VA therapist the other day which she found humorous.
I thought I would pass them along with the warning "Hey! The jokes don't get any better!"
Hormonal changes:
First major hot flash. I thought the stories I read as a kid about spontaneous combustion burning a human alive from within were true! Soon I thought I would be a pile of ash.
Skin changes. Need head to toe moisterizer. Recommendation? 10W 30 Quaker State.
Biggest surprise breast change? Under boob sweat.

I know if I was a stand up would want to throw your beer bottle at me by now...but that's why they make them plastic!!!!!

FYI, for those of you who follow my veteran's story, Friday I didn't go to the VA Advocate. A friend needed help and that took precedence. Going Monday- God willing and the creeks don't rise!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Courting Courtney

Mo, Mo Mo Courtney Act!

Transgender Model

From Yahoo News Philippines comes the story of Transgender model and actress Choi Han Bit’s  audition for On Style’s Top Model Korea and it  will air on television.
In the episode, Choi Han Bit will be seen receiving a physical test, walking test, swim suit test and a rigorous interview in her effort to become Korea’s next top super model.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Courtney Act!

Courtney Act is the stage name of Shane Jenek, an Australian drag celebrity, pop singer and entertainer.

Are You Ready for Transfeminism?

Transfeminism : What does it have to do with Feminism? Or anything?
If you follow and can understand the war of words which rages around all of us- you are a better person than I am.
Tonight, I was going to give you an example of more abbreviations, buzz words and labels in one paragraph than I have seen ever in a trans war post. I admit I'm fascinated by the virulent verbage which revolves around those with a native born vagina, those with a manufactured one and those with none at all. (It's like a sneaky love of the worst reality show ever!)
However,  I didn't pass it along because taking it out of context would have been grossly wrong because of it's overall tragic subject matter.
Trans feminism is actually a fairly simple concept to me. As I have gained more self confidence, I am less likely to sit quietly when I have a chance to "educate" someone.
Example? A couple weeks ago I had a chance to explain to a gay man how myself and the trans woman I was talking to were NOT in drag.
I'm not kidding myself that during the relative short time I have left in this existence I will see the need for terms such as transfeminism, rad fems and others to just go away.
On the other hand I continue to uncover examples of why they just might!
I would be remiss if I didn't pass along another:

The Trans Youth Equality Foundation provides education, advocacy and support for transgender and gender non-conforming children and youth and their families.
Our mission is to share information about the unique needs of this community, partnering with families, educators and service providers to help foster a healthy, caring, and safe environment for all transgender children."
I'm passing along a link to their Trans 101 from where you can check their whole site. 
This says it all "Helping adults understand...what the kids already know."

Maybe this is the place to quote John Lennon :
Imagine all the people Living life in peace
You, you may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you will join us And the world will be as one."
No matter where your sexual organs originated.

Trans Positives!!

TransActive is an internationally recognized non-profit focused on serving the diverse needs of transgender (TG) and gender nonconforming (GNC) children, youth, their families and allies.

Check it out here.

Jumping Transgender Fences

Perhaps you have heard the term "hitting the wall".
SPLAT! Sometimes you see the wall, sometimes you don't.
Some of you transsexuals can speak to a different level of the wall meaning surgery and all the ramifications.
All of the rest of us, transgender or cross dresser of course have a different set of walls.
Is your wall a closet?  Perhaps you are taking tentative steps into the public's eye.
Then again, you could be making your way through hormonal effects to your body such as I.
Once of the most rewarding parts of the cyber world is establishing contact with individuals of like experiences. I recently cyber met a person of the same age and transition who was working on moving partially to a warmer climate. I replied the way the very hot summer has effected me this summer on hormones, I'm looking north to the Yukon! Her reply was the cold has effected her more on the hormones.
So, here I am looking dead ahead another of my walls.  I'm heading out today to my VA clinic to actually set down and state my case for further coverage. (I have written in depth and won't bore you.) I'm not going to put a lot of extra drama into this visit. This whole journey is an trip through an obstacle course and usually there are ways around walls that are too high to scale.
Let's see, it is Friday the 13th and I own a black cat who is happy to see me when I feed her- it's a great day for a trip to the VA!


"A quick correction to your post: The lovely mother's blog linked above (Transparenthood) is cited incorrectly. "The Boy Suit" and other stories about Alice can be found at That bit aside, thank you for sharing this bit of Alice's story with your readers."

- Alice's Mom (aka Laurustina)

OK, I can't resist the chance to write again of how special Laurustina is. First of all of course is her acceptance of her daughter. The second is developing the platform to educate others!

It's Mammogram Day

  JJ Hart, image from Columbus, Ohio. Once a year, my doctor puts in a request for a mammogram screening for me. Mainly because breast cance...