Thursday, July 12, 2012

Happiness Is!

My appointment yesterday with my VA psychologist went extremely well. (I'm a transgender veteran.)
My hours with her have been incredibly pleasant and to give a few of you new visitors (Thanks!!!) a quick history: This process was the required start to my hormone journey (HRT) through the Veteran's Administration which started last October.
The particular "warm and fuzzies" came when she commented several times how far she could see the hormones have taken me and she could see how happy I was.
No matter how much fun vanity is on occasion, my real reason for the visit was to connect more dots within the VA to not have to go to an outside provider.  If I do have to go outside again, I feel the system should support me since no service is available in my center.
The good news was the center is expected to add an endoctrinist who can prescribe and monitor hormone therapy. I also learned of the in house "Advocate" who I'm going to contact today. She is the specific person I can explain my problems to and see if she comes up with a resolution.
My therapist also told me the whole center is undergoing transgender training.  In part it explains why the last time I called, the person I talked to knew immediately which direction to send me. No transfers-no!
So today it's back on the offensive with the Advocate.  Sounds like a TV show? (no pun attended)
I'll let you know!

Quote of the Day

This comes from TG Forum.
Starlitjessi wrote:
The only person you're guaranteed to spend the rest of your life with is yourself.  Shouldn't that person be the one you spend the most time in your life trying to make happy?

By the way, TG Forum has been one of the longest transgender sites in existence (1994).

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I'm going to pass along a video a friend passed along to me. The video shows how a successful and imaginative transgender woman goes about some of her business. Sure it's a little contrived but fun!

And then another picture of Harisu

Growing Up in a Boy Suit

"My daughter Alice was not always called Alice. Until the age of fifteen, she was mostly Jory. On paper, she was Jordan. Often and alternately, she was called He or Him, both Son and Brother. On the hospital nursery wristband, tucked away now in the drawer of treasures beside my bed, she was likewise mislabeled.
Alice spent the first fifteen years of her life hidden away inside a Boy Suit, not unlike an inescapable pair of footie pajamas, which seem perfectly fine and comfortable at first, but grows less so over time. At the age of ten, a single toe poked through. By eleven, the armpits had gotten too tight. When she was twelve the broken zipper's twisted teeth scraped her here and there, a constant rash of  irritations. At thirteen it had grown so uncomfortable and restrictive that Alice secretly set out to shred the whole damn thing."

"Mom's" work is not the usual million word backstabbing babble we see in the trans community. It is a rare positive blueprint for other parents to follow.  Parents such as her should provide the future trans community with fewer negatives and more positives.
Wasted words of hate and endless theory  provide no help to the astounding percentage of youth considering and attempting to end their lives before they ever begin.

"Mom" is Laurustina and she has an amazing parents blog called Transparenthood here's a link!

Leah True

"Horror Scope"

Is time really going by this fast? Is it time already for a new "Horror Scope"? You bet ya!

Libra (September 23- October 22)
Enough talk. Instead, forget everything you’ve said and dive into your latest scheme with full abandon. Thinking is procrastinating. Don’t get hung up on being “smart,” as your brain isn’t going to operate in that kind of way. Just take cues from a more internal and primitive place and you’ll be fine. Understand hesitation is weakness now, and don’t give in.

Hmmmmm- interesting. Does this one coincide with my VA appointment tomorrow?

Get your "scope" here!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Mimi Marks Classic

Mimi Marks 2005

Are You Transgender? Call This Number

Every once in a while you see the "D.E.S" subject come to light.
If you aren't familiar, several published studies in the medical literature on psycho-neuro-endocrinology have examined the hypothesis that prenatal exposure to estrogens (including Diethylstilbestrol) may cause significant developmental impact on sexual differentiation of the brain, and on subsequent behavioural and gender identity development in exposed males and females. There is significant evidence linking prenatal hormonal influences on gender identity and transsexual development. 
From my understanding of the subject, the chances are good my mother was given the drug. Of course I will never know but the whole topic just makes me a little bitter.
All of the gender ripping and tearing, all the pain and suffering was all out of my reach. None of it was anyone's fault. It was just a drug dispensed without the knowledge of long term effects. No control.
I half way expect to see one of those legal commercials that says "If your mother took DES and you are transgendered or transsexual-call this number".

Vacation Post

  Image from Johannis Keys on UnSplash. The day finally is here before my wife Liz, and I depart for our long-awaited journey to the Florida...