Monday, September 12, 2016

The "Trans Scowl?"

Recently I posted about the rare couple of days I saw two other transgender women (or so I thought) and received this comment from Connie which ironically described both:

"The trans-scowl, or even aloofness, shows a lack of self-confidence. Of course, the overconfident trans people who overdo it in their manifestation of (perceived) femininity - or masculinity - can be just as difficult to understand. As my job affords me the opportunity to observe many trans people every day, I see both extremes, yet I see far fewer trans people who might be perceived as fitting into the "just a regular woman(or man)" category. I believe that I do fit into the category, but I wouldn't mind hearing it from one of those other trans women I see (and who see me) everyday. The trouble is that they can't get past their scowl, aloofness, or narcissism to even look at me, let alone speak to me. Then again, they might have to hear what I have to say to them in the process. :-)"

As I wrote, the first trans woman I saw shot me one side glance which would have melted Clint Eastwood. We shop at the same grocery store and I have seen her before. The first time she was totally overdressed in heels and hose and this time looked much better in a skirt with flats and a long sleeved top. Of course I don't think she was looking for my approval-or vice versa. I also think she desperately wants to fall into to the "just a regular woman" category as Connie spoke of. 

I just wonder how she does with some of the store's crew who go out of their way to be nice-to me. Which is always an instant reminder of how deep a trans scowl I may be forgetting I wore on the day in question. Maybe someday I will be able to see if she wants to sit down and have a cup of coffee in the store's shop?

The other person I saw walking down a hall in a hospital, and the only reason I thought she was trans was her size, the way she was put together and she was trying too hard. So maybe a little narcissism (Connie). We only had a glance at each other and she stuck her nose in the air and was gone, so I doubt we will meet again,

Having said all of that, I know for sure of a couple transgender women working at the Dayton Veterans Hospital. As I was leaving the other day, one came teetering down the sidewalk at me in her hose and heels, but we spoke!

Success!!!! I just want to be a regular me-it's a full time job.

While My Blog Gently Weeps

Last week we lost two well known transgender celebrities.

The first was "The Lady Chablis" who starred in the movie "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil." Brenda Dale Knox also was known as an author and drag performer who passed on at the early age of 59.

Passing at even an earlier age was actress and trans rights activist "Alexis Arquette" At 47, she was best known for her roles in "Pulp Fiction" and the Wedding Singer.

The untimely passage of both seems to be yet another example of the tougher lives most transgender women and trans men live outside the so called norms of society.

R.I.P. ladies, you both will be missed.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

JJ's Sunday Edition

Ker Plunk! Another Sunday edition is hitting your virtual front porch! First the weather,a cup o joe and we will get started. First of it is beautiful here in Southwestern Ohio. Nothing but blue sky, low heat and humidity. After some powerful stormin' it seems "Momma Nature" may be settling into a fall pattern...finally!
Page One-the Week that Was-or Wasn't: I am working with a "Day of Transgender Remembrance" committee and this week  the Cincinnati Children's Hospital's  role was briefly discussed. Cincinnati Children's has a very good transgender treatment program for ages up to 24. As you can imagine, the program is very full. In fact patients come from as far as South Carolina. The whole subject brought home to me the number of transgender women and trans guys (of all ages) struggling to find health care of any kind.  Also the number of trans people who don't get counted in any census.

I saw two this week walking by which always makes me feel so much better and not alone. Although neither spoke (or vice versa). I saw one in a very difficult scenario for a chat and the other just glared. More the likely she hasn't caught up with the idea a male face somehow is made to scowl and one of the easier ways to present female is to soften your expression.

Page Two- Yesterday's Coffee- Opinion: On this anniversary of the tragic terrorist attracts on the World Trade Center/Pentagon/and Pennsylvania, I would be terribly remiss not to take a moment to remember those lost, including the first responders still struggling with severe health issues today. May we always remember that even though we are not perfect, the right to not stand during the national anthem was earned in blood. Freedom of speech is earned too.

Page Three: Well kids, time to go and enjoy this wonderful day. I hope it is for you too! Love you all!

Building a Huge Bridge

  Image from UnSplash. When you cross the binary gender border from male to female, anyway you cut it, you need to be ready to build a huge ...