Wednesday, July 20, 2016

A Transgender Super Hero?

From NBC News: The comic book world is about to get its first transgender leading character. The central protagonist in the upcoming superhero series "Alters" is Chalice, a trans "hero for the new age."
"The 'Alters' series focuses on characters that have different forms of disadvantage, whether they are marginalized by society or struggling with their gender identity," said Paul Jenkins, the comic book's author.

I wonder how many cross dressers or transgender women will be lined up to play her at "Comic Con?"

Go here for more.

A Shot to the Girls

One of the misconceptions I have always written about is the amount of pressure put on the development of breasts when one starts hormone replacement therapy. I know too, I shouldn't be real surprised when you look around society and see so many women transgender or not define their femininity by the size of their breasts.

However, HRT brings so much more to your life as I have written so many times. There are several ways estrogen can be administered, pill, patch or shot are the three I know of. Ironically, at my VA transgender support meeting yesterday most of us talked about the success or failure of using patches (mainly getting them to stay on-which I haven't had a problem.)

We also talked about a mutual acquaintance who for the longest time went over board in the unsupervised hormone world, which is a great way to hurt yourself.

For many of us though if can quote Shelle from her blog (who takes the shot), the estrogen brings life itself to her.

So you see, HRT is much more than "growing breasts". The process involves a whole mental and physical process that as Shelle alluded to becomes life itself for us.

Excuse me now, it's time to change out my patches.

Monday, July 18, 2016

What is Transgender Part Two

Two comments: "One from Robin. Excuse my ignorance, but do you have to call yourself transgender?? if you dress, act, over all look like a women, are you not a women?? If you are a women shouldn't you use the women's toilet too?? This is all new to me. Thank you for your time."

Robin, I think transgender is just a binary gender term anyhow and most certainly one does not have to call her or his self trans. Personally, I just happen to prefer presenting as a woman to the public but internally I am just good old me. (Good Old me is feminine.) And, as an aside, I haven't used a men's room for years unless it was in a gay venue and the women's room was standing room only.

I suppose you could say if it walks like a duck, looks like a duck and talk likes a duck, one might have to be real careful these days where she goes like a duck too.

Or, as Pat said:I am not sure what is harder to explain being transgender or being a cross dresser. You may have to flip a coin although you have walked both paths.

Finally, if you take it (transgender) literally- you are between genders and Robin, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that!

Good News from the Doc

Image from JJ Hart. Yesterday was my Hematology appointment at the Cincinnati Veteran's Administration hospital.     The hospital itself...