Thursday, June 30, 2016

She's Baaaack!

Perhaps you heard Caitlin Jenner's latest political pro Donald Trump comments. If you haven't heard your girl said the "Donald" seems to be very much behind the LGBT community. I think we are too Jenner,  if we are making him money in one of his hotels.

On the brighter side, in Utah, Misty Snow has made history as the state's first Senate Democratic transgender nominee.

It Was Soooo Easy!

"Back in the day" I tried to buy into the idea of women being domestic "princesses". I would "bribe" my wife into dressing up in heels, hose and a dress to have supper waiting when she got home from work.

I even wrote perfumed letters to an "admirer."

My, have times changed!  I just as soon go to a good restaurant than cook, dress attractively (but comfortably) and can barely remember the time I have received a real live letter. I have written here several times about my wife chiding me by saying I was just a pretty mirror princess and knew nothing about being a woman.

Since I am not the sharpest tack in the box, it took me years to finally figure out what she meant-but I did.

The journey started in what I called transvestite mixers in a group called the "Paradise Club." The closest meeting to me was over a hour and a half in Cleveland, Ohio. It was those meetings that I got to meet everyone from men in dresses smoking cigars and wearing cowboy hats in drag all the way to who I called the "A" listers, who seemed destined to take their so called "hobby" to greater lengths. In fact I knew two who went all the way through SRS.

I still was lost though. It seemed the more I experienced, the more questions I had and the transgender word or concept was still years to come. So, I kept on searching for who I really was not knowing I was still years away and one suicide attempt from figuring it out.

Looking back I often wonder how much easier my life would have been if I had just wanted to stay a guy.

I just couldn't do it.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Nikki Lee Carson

Former New Zealand Idol runner-up Nikki Lee says she "had a good life as a guy" but always knew deep down that she had another side she wanted to explore.

The reality TV star shared her gender reassignment journey in this week's issue of Woman's Day Magazine.
In the mag, Lee reveals that she underwent four operations in Phuket in order to complete her gender reassignment and live life as a woman.

What Would Mom Say

Image from Jenna Norman on UnSplash This week my question to answer on the year long bio I am writing for my daughter and family as well as ...