Sunday, September 5, 2010

Walk a mile in my wing tips.

What are your ideas concerning ftm transgendered folks?
For the longest time it seemed the transgender scene was dominated by males wanting to be females.
At least one prominent theory was that women could wear men's clothes and participate in many male activities without the stigma attached to a guy dressing feminine. Girls didn't have to travel far to be guys.
All of that of course is true- but slowly many of the documentaries dealing with sexual reassignment began to focus on women wanting to become men. REAL men. Not a woman in men's clothes.
What a concept!  That idea to me is as foreign as the women I see who put absolutely no work or thought into how they look.
Trading in the soft curves and skin for a hairy face and deep voice? I don't think so!
Along the way I sat down and watched a couple of these programs and even met a couple girl/guys.
OMG (always wanted to use that) they are just like us and I'm such a geek!
They feel like guys! Pretty simple stuff.  Still, positive media coverage of any of our issues is so hard to come by.
Hopefully, the new publicity will get the men out of their "man caves" and into a place we all can understand!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Narcistic Bitch?

After reading my latest post-I thought what a bitch I was!
All the eyes on me and comments like that must have all of you thinking that. I would.
OK, let me rephrase this.
I strive to be the most attractive female that I can.  At 5'9" I'm usually one of the bigger girls in the room so that alone creates attention.
I also strive to be the nicest person I can be. Like all of us who are out in the world-I'm a pioneer of sorts. I don't want to ruin that.
It just happens I like to do it on the edge a little!  Attractive and authentic is great-if I can achieve it.
Furthermore, I have to leave that "plain woman" alone in my blogs!
I just had to get this "off my chest" lol!

Gender Masks

  Image from John Noonan on UnSplash.  In life, both genders learn early on what masks mean to their existence. Think of it, at the earliest...