Showing posts with label fashion skills. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fashion skills. Show all posts

Saturday, November 9, 2024

If You can see it You Can be It


Image from Trans Ohio party JJ Hart.

Long ago, when I first glimpsed myself in the mirror as a feminine person, very soon I realized just seeing myself was not enough, I wanted to be the girl I was watching. 

In the classic if I had known then what I know now, I would have known then I was less of a cross dresser and more of a transgender woman. Way before the term transgender was ever used. Now more than ever before, it is time for us to blend in with the public at large as transgender women or trans men. We just have to be better and better.

Fortunately, I had years of preparation to be ready to face the world. Since I had plenty of testosterone poisoning to overcome, there was work to be done and I needed the courage to do it. Along the way, I viewed the whole process as stairsteps towards what I perceived as an impossible dream of transgender womanhood. Facing the world with confidence was my biggest problem. Every time I took a positive step forward when I went out in the world as a novice transgender woman, it seemed then I faced several steps back. When I was on point with my fashion and makeup, I lost it with my voice. Or vice versa on other days when I caught myself slipping back into my old male ways and walking like a linebacker. Adding to my problems was I was still trying to maintain a life stuck between the two main binary genders which made my existence even more difficult. I needed to consciously think all of the time which gender I was dealing with the world as. I was in.

Very slowly, I worked through this phase of my life and found women friends who I could learn from. I learned I could relax with them while at the same time learning how it was in woman only spaces. At the time, when I looked in the mirror, I was seeing it and being it which felt wonderful and so natural I knew I was in the right place. For the first time in my life, I thought my dream of leading a feminine life could be realized.  

Through it all, I still needed to work on my makeup and fashion skills to blend in with what my lesbian friends were wearing. It was a challenge because I needed to look as if I was not wearing any makeup at all when I was. I needed to work harder than the average woman to succeed in the world. By this time, I was used to it and worked hard to instill confidence in what I was doing with my gender goals since there was so much at stake. I was playing a high risk game with my life. Was the grass really greener on the other side of the gender border. 

I found out indeed the grass was greener but often not so easy to enjoy. I met more than a few women who did not want me in their world and did not hold back on their dislike for me. When they did, I needed to quickly pull the knife out of my back, smile and move on to friendlier situations. 

By this time, I was so close to seeing my dream goal of transgender womanhood, I pushed on even harder. I started gender affirming hormones with my doctor's approval. When I did, the changes came quickly and naturally as my body adapted to the new feminine hormones. Predictable changes such as hair and breast growth were quickly proceeded by inner changes with emotions as my life suddenly became softer. With my softer skin my facial changes were fairly dramatic and I knew then I could see it and be it.

As with any other long journey, you wonder was it worth the time and effort. With me the trip from the mirror into the world and beyond was just finding my true self. 

Preparing to Lose

  JJ Hart speaking at a Cincinnati Trans Wellness  Conference. When I first began to explore my transgender womanhood in public, I was rejec...