Thursday, November 21, 2024



Woman's get together. I am on the 
bottom row, far left.

Several posts ago I may have written something which made some readers think I was considering ever de-transitioning back to my old male life.

To begin with, there is no way I would go back to a life I never appreciated. Even though I was mildly successful at living a male life, something was always missing. It turned out what was missing was my feminine soul. The problem was I needed to develop my feminine soul to the point where she could flourish. It took me years to discover the truth with many starts and stops along the way. For years it seemed everytime I took a step forward as a transgender woman then I took a step or two back. The entire process was very frustrating. I was finding out leaving the men's club and entering the woman's club was going to be much more complex than I ever thought. 

Even with all the threats to the transgender community today, the easy way out would be for me to go back to the life I used to have. Also during my life, I have learned taking the easy way out is not often the best way to exist and be true to yourself. Trans womanhood was my true self and when I recognized it, my fragile mental health as well as my life in general improved. So, I knew completely I had done the right thing by stopping the cruel joke I was leading trying to live as a man. The major reason I would never go back to an unhappy existence which led me to alcohol abuse and even a suicide attempt.   

When I transitioned into a feminine world, I finally also learned how to be happy. Something I had never learned how to be. All the time, effort and work I put into relearning how to live made the whole process so worthwhile. So why would I give it all up?

Then there were all the magical hormonal changes I went through when I started gender affirming hominess nearly a decade ago. When I did, it seemed my body took to the changes so naturally and was so ready for change. Even though I experienced many external changes to my body, I also went through major internal changes such as emotional growth. I constantly worry about giving all of the hormonal gains up from HRT if I had a medical emergency or if the government tries to take them away. 

I also had a question from Georgette about the picture I used for the post. She asked if I ever had seen any of the women again and were any LGBTQ orientated. I do keep in occasional contact with two of the women in the group and no I don't think any of them have or had any other contacts in the LGBTQ community. In essence, I was really just one of the girls except for one woman who seemed to really resent me.

I hope this answers some of the comments I receive here. For obvious reasons, I can't answer all of them in a post but I thought the de-transitioning comment was important enough to share. As always I really appreciate all the input I receive. Thank You. 


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