Friday, April 26, 2024

Un-Common Risks as a Trans Girl

Liz on left. Date Night. 

Most people undertake a risk or two as they make their way to the undertaker in the end. 

When you come right down to it, which person you chose to marry is a risk as well as which profession you choose. Transgender women and trans men seem to have an added layer of risk in their lives. Along the way as we pursue a gender transition, we have to make many difficult choices which aren't really choices at all. They are paths we have to follow or face devastating self harm to ourselves. Which results in extremely high suicide rates in the transgender community. 

When we are growing up in a world where our families often don't accept us, the entire process makes the risk factor even more important. I am so blessed to have a daughter who completely accepts and supports her transgender child and I am proud to have been a role model for my grandchild to follow but it wasn't easy. 

When it came to my marriages, seemingly destiny has led the way into several different areas of acceptance. Acceptance of course led to risks being taken. My first wife was very easy going and knew of my cross dressing desires before we were married and had our daughter who turned out to be my only child. My first wife accepted without question my desire to cross dress as a woman and venture out on Halloween adventures. I often thought if I came home from work one day and told her I was checking into a hospital for gender alignment surgery, she would have said that's fine, just be careful. As it turned out, I was not ready for that sort of surgical risk and would never be.

Then destiny threw me a curve ball with my second wife. The moment I saw her for the first time, I knew I wanted to be with her in the worst way. Even though she too knew I was a cross dresser, she still restored feelings I long ago had forgotten when I was ready to compete with another man for a woman. In order to win the competition I needed to divorce my first wife and move on to a totally different strong woman who knew somewhat of my gender issues. I say somewhat because back in those days I was just learning myself how deep my transgender feelings ran which were to cause strong problems in our twenty five year marriage later on after the newness wore off. From the start, I always thought she would be the one who would help me to break through in my cross dressing world and help me to be successful in my dreams. As it turned out, she wasn't that person and always drew the line if I suggested at all I wanted to go further into the transgender world. By the time she had passed away, our relationship had deteriorated into an ugly cat and mouse game of me taking risks and seeing what I could get away with.

Another main risk I took was with my job. Slowly but surely I had been promoted through the managerial ranks to a successful position as an executive general manager of a big popular casual restaurant chain. A position with a company I knew would not accept me transitioning into a transgender woman. In my haste to destroy myself anyhow, I began to go to my competition as a woman thinking no one would recognize me. Well, I was wrong and the roof began to fall in on me. It was tough but I denied all the rumors and kept on going.

By this time, my second wife's life was coming to an end and she suddenly without warning passed away from a massive heart attack. By this time I had purchased my own restaurant and was somewhat in control of my own financial destiny until a recession in the Rust Belt where I lived wiped out the population. I ended up losing my restaurant as well as my inheritance by taking a major risk and losing nearly everything I had. I finally was able to find me a fast food job to hold me over till I could take an early retirement from Social Security and sell vintage items my wife and I had collected over the years. Between the two I survived.

I then found myself in a period of wonderful gender discovery, when with the help of new women friends everyday seemed as if I was reborn. Specifically Kim and Liz helped me the most. Liz lived in nearby Cincinnati and we met on line. After corresponding by email  for months, I finally became brave enough to talk to her in person and our first date was at a drag show. That date was nearly twelve years ago and we are coming up on our second anniversary of marriage. Liz cemented her place with me when she told me she had never seen a man in me and why didn't I finish my transition into a feminine world with her.

Finally, after a half century of wondering and suffering over my gender dysphoria, someone else recognized my truth and wanted to accept it with me. My un-common risks were over. I accepted her advice, gave away my male clothes and never looked back.

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