Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Playing with Transgender "House Money?"

One of the sweeping generalizations I made here in Cyrsti's Condo, after the Trans Ohio Symposium was how the differing groups acted. Two were pretty much "playing with house money" and one wasn't.

Very simply, the trans men and transgender women of color seemed to be enjoying themselves more-and were more social. You can guess how the white transgender women were acting - if you know many or have interacted with them on line.
Laverne Cox

I have my theories (of course).

The most obvious was put into words the other night by my transgender man friend Draco. From nature or nurturing, little girls aren't put into the rigid boxes boys are and do get to experience the world on more levels. Plus most trans guys do transition on the outside easier than trans women. As correct as Draco was,  I still didn't understand why so many of the other FtM's attending were so grumpy-except the ones of color.

Of course writing about race is a very sensitive topic in this country.  So, the only thing I'm going to say about the trans women of color attending were- they out and social. They have serious reason's to be. One of the reasons is a great majority of the violence directed towards the transgender community is directed against women of color. I can't and won't even try to speak to how the culture of color feels about the number of sex trade workers and drug abusers.  What I wish I could do is direct you where you could read a poem read by a young trans man of color before Kye Allums spoke. Their group deserved a spot in the sun at the symposium and do benefit from transgender role models such as Laverne Cox (above) and Janet Mock.

Although I can safely say I was one of the most affable white transgender women there- I'm sad to say I don't know or can name any others I would call a trans activist.  I certainly hope I'm missing the forest for the trees.

Finally,  I'm positive the only money I do have- is house money.  I just have to enjoy and spend it wisely!

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