Sunday, June 17, 2012

Hey Dad!

It's Fathers Day and Dad you have been gone for almost a decade now. You had a life to be proud of, all 86 years of it.
You and the family survived the Great Depression and WWII. In many ways you were the "self made man."
No, you never really knew me but hey that's OK. It's hard to say where you would have taken my transgender status and it doesn't really matter now.
I guess you can say I followed in your footsteps to a degree and am making myself into the "un made man".
Right or wrong your genetic gifts sent me down a fierce path of perservance and discovery.
So on another Father's Day, I sit here thinking about you. In your own way, I'm sure you did love me but love was a four letter word in our family. (Never spoken.)
So the best I can hope for is that you would have seen I took the only path which felt right for me and at the least you would have been a little proud.

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