Monday, March 26, 2012

Yet Another "Here We Go Again!"

Anne sent in another thought provoking comment. I started to respond directly to it but then decided I needed to do a little more.
Here's the comment:

"I am wondering how you feel about the distinction between being trans-gender, ie "presenting" as the gender opposite to that matching the sexual characteristics with which you were born....and,

being trans-sexual, ie going through that extremely difficult process of changing those physical characteristics to match the brain sex with which you were born.

You see if you do see the distinction and can accept that HUGE difference then perhaps you can see why organizations like MUC must exclude the transgendered from those contests designed for women.

If you cannot make that distinction or simply refuse to accept it, then you contribute to the push back against that preposterous claim that "presenting" female actually makes one female and will continue to cause problems for young women like Jenna."

First of all, I believe sex and gender are different. Let's make that distinction. I don't feel the transsexual elitists are any better than the narrow minded red neck sitting at the end of the bar in their thought patterns. Let's use the quote of the day I just posted and change it to "You aren't a woman. You are an operation." I don't care what equipment you carry. I'm a libertarian. Spend your life on this planet the best way you know how. That includes gender.

Secondly, I know a few vocal transsexual elitists feel their "extremely difficult" process was somehow more difficult than any other of us mere transgendered folks or cross dressers. I agree their process was more painful and expensive but that is it. I see it as an effort to transfer the "male privilege" they experienced to a "transsexual privilege" they think they deserve.

I do not think MUC should be forced to take Jenna but I do believe in her right to force the issue. It seems to me you are contradicting yourself at this point.  MUC is most certainly is pushing back at our entire culture no matter how we identify. How can you begin to say this is the fault of the transgendered culture? You didn't say a word about how wrong it was for Jenna to be rejected. Really?

Finally, let me use your push back phrase.
As I started to live my life in my chosen gender, the biggest push back I experienced was from the transsexual elitists I have encountered on line.
Dare I say some have bordered on the jealous and bitter side? For the life of me, I don't know why Anne? I'm just another human trying to live life the best I can. Does it make it wrong that I am accepted in the places I go as a trans person? Some trans-nazi's seem to think it is.
Let's use you as an example. If you are in a restaurant near me and you are an attractive transsexual operated woman, you have a couple choices. If indeed you notice me at all, you could stay stealth and say nothing or whisper to the people you are with (throwing me under the bus for your own perceived superiority) or try to say something to me.
Let me follow this point up with another. Compare appearance with all the expensive operations in the world.  I  have certainly seen more than a couple transsexual women who just don't make the female grade. At that point do they keep their female privilege card to use the restroom because of all the money they spent? What about the female to male transgendered folks? Do they contribute to the push back too?

I will say it again and again Anne.  I do my best to "push forward" in my life and in anyway possible help others who may be on the same path.  I do not believe you can spend your way into becoming a woman and I'm sure Jenna feels the same way although I can't speak for her.
I believe it would be Jenna who would use the "preposterous" word to think transgendered women hurt her chances to be accepted in the pageant.

Oh, by the way. I'm only presenting as me. Until science evolves to a point a trans woman can birth a child we are all the same.  As a friend once told me "Beware, all the operations and hormones in the world do not often make a man a woman."

***I'm sure some of you may want to comment on this pro or con. If the blog system would let you in, you can send a comment to my email and I will transfer it here.

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