Monday, March 19, 2012

Are Women More in Tune with the Earth?

I remember an advertising campaign for a skin lotion a couple years ago which said something like "your number one fashion accessory this summer will be skin!"
As the warm season approaches in my part of the world I have used liberal amounts of hair removal cream and lotion to get ready.
Every time this time of the year rolls around I wonder if women are more in tune with the envioronment as a whole. I know there are no absolutes but it seems you see women wear fewer clothes from hair to toe.  Women get cold faster and warm faster than men  and even have a tendency to wear shoes less and go barefooted.
I have heard scientific evidence that skin is an attraction to men.
If my number one fashion accessory this summer is skin, I will be in fashion trouble. On the other hand to be finally able to be comfortable in spring and summer fashions is a dream come true for me.
I don't know why the extra pleasure I derive from wearing flip flops, summer jeans and a sleeveless top is so much more than taking your shirt off as a guy. Whatever clothes I put on it, it's still my skin and it's still the same air here in Ohio.
One thing is certain, I hope the new feelings never go away!

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