Well I said to self, not much actually. Ordered another month's supply of hormones today which means unbelievably I will have completed three months when this supply runs out.
I did get my order together for girl scout cookies which I consider a real neccessity this year because of all the idiotic right wing attacks on the scouts for their transgender and birth control stances. I am going to pass along the "Femulate" link to "Stana's" post about the scouts and a petition you can sign.
Also, I have a friend who is researching bits and pieces of the "Two or Dual Spirit" beliefs of a few of the Native American Indian Tribes.
Here are a couple very interesting excerpts from what Don has sent me:
'The first step on the path to a two-spirit life was taken during
childhood. The Papago ritual is representative of this early
integration: If parents noticed that a son was disinterested in
boyish play or manly work they would set up a ceremony to determine
which way the boy would be brought up. They would make an enclosure
of brush, and place in the center both a man’s bow and a woman’s
basket. The boy was told to go inside the circle of brush and to
bring something out, and as he entered the brush would be set on
fire. “They watched what he took with him as he ran out, and if it
was the basketry materials they reconciled [sic] themselves to his
being a berdache or female in male's body.
The Mohave ritual, usually carried out when the child is between
the ages of nine and twelve, has a different form, but keeps the
central element of allowing the child’s nature to manifest itself:
A singing circle is prepared, unbeknownst to the boy, involving the
whole community as well as distant friends and relatives. On the
day of the ceremony everyone gathers round and the boy is led into
the middle of the circle. If he remains there, the singer, hidden
in the crowd, begins to sing the ritual songs and the boy, if he is
destined to follow the two-spirit road, starts to dance in the
fashion of a woman. “He cannot help it,” say the Mohave. After the
fourth song the boy is declared to be a two-spirit person and is
raised from then on in the appropriate manner."
I will be passing along more from his research later!
So I guess the bottom line is today was an example of the more things change, the more they stay the same.
As my body slowly starts to feminize itself, society begins to view me different of course. All in all though, I still view society as the same and probably always have.
My I guess I would have picked up the baskets from the burning circle!
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