Thursday, September 8, 2011

Step Number One!

I used my female prerogative and changed clothes a couple time before my visited to the "hormone doc" at the VA.
The day was overcast, rainy and chilly. Jeans, flats light sweater and jacket worked well. My goal was to be feminine without going too far.  I did not want to look as if I was trying too hard.
I arrived at the VA facility early and had a chance to sit and get really scared before I started the rather lengthy trip to her office.
The parking lot was a good chance to catch my breath and gather my thoughts.
The lobby of course was packed with older vets and while I did get a few looks. I walked right through, past the info area and up to the elevators. Fortunately, I ended up alone on the elevator but the trip to the seventh floor still seemed like an eternity.
The doors opened into a large hallway and amazingly I was able to follow signs to the area of the facility she was located.  The receptionist had nearly no reaction and simply said have a seat. I took a seat by the magazine table and grabbed one of the women's magazine, crossed my legs and waited.
The VA treats us in the metal health area which does make sense (as much as I resent it) since the psych docs who to have approve us work in the same area. I had a chance to watch quite a few different individuals who paid me no mind at all.
Finally my psychologist came and called me by my last name only and we took off for her office. She seemed very nice as we sat down in her office crossed our legs and got started....

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