Monday, September 12, 2011

Gobbley Gook?

Maybe I'm too simplistic. I just know what I feel as a human. When I'm a girl I just feel better.
I (and we) deal with labels our entire lives. We are "jocks" or "intellectuals" and "pretty" or "plain". I won't insult you with more.
I've gone through my entire life attempting to eradicate or accept my gender status. How ironic at a time in my life when I have accepted my life as a girl a group of "gender nazi's" are going nuts on labels in our community.
Here's an example from "En Gender"
My comment on Julia’s blog:
I think what you’re missing here are the issues surrounding appropriation by crossdressers of a transgender narrative, as that, in my view, is at the center of the calls for separatism.
As a transsexual woman, I’ve been told point blank by crossdressers that I am male, and that I should “stop being so foolish” in insisting that I’m female. This comes about because these people are projecting their experiences and identity on me – they dress as women but identify as male, so they assume that I’m the same.
Incidentally, this sort of thing happens right after they’ve done the “oh my god, you’re so beautiful” thing and hit on me, and I’ve rejected their advances.
So take an attitude that says that transsexual women are really awesome full time crossdressers, add in better societal tolerance of transsexual women than of crossdressing men, throw in an umbrella term like transgender, and you’ve got your instant umbrella.

OK, I know every community needs their intellectual snobs.
Please be aware I'm not debating the pro's or con's of what she wrote and you have to follow the link to read the entire post.
I'm sad she had to say it at all.

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