Friday, June 17, 2011

Copacetic? The word nearly sounds like a new mouth wash.
Then again it means so much more to me these days.
I can tell you I have never been in this situation before. My constant internal gender battle has subsided.
I can also tell you I'm not sure I'm not in the calm eye of a storm.
For the meantime it's been a peaceful break.
Perhaps it's because I'm starting to finally realize this not the old me. I don't have to wait days or even weeks to externally appear as the person I want to be.
I do not have to suffer bouts of paranoia about being accepted in society.
I do know none of this is permanent. Everything and everyone suffers highs and lows.  The wonderful part of all of this is I'm not on a high.
I seemed have reached another level of gender awareness. Rather than running out and looking for the next, it feels good to stay here for awhile!

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The Grand Search for Discovery

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