Saturday, November 13, 2010

What IF?

Working on very little sleep this morning, I made a quick deduction I had no food in the house.
Since I'm off today, I figured I would make the quick trip down the street to a convenience store that sells those breakfast biscuits. Not healthy but a quick hunger fix.
As always, I looked around to notice the other females in the store  No surprises as they were all dressed in jeans and sweat shirts. The only makeup on anyone was probably the trace of left over mascara on my eyes.
I started to think...if I was genetic female how would I be dressed?
Would I have taken the time to put on a little mascara and lip gloss? Would my jeans fit a little better?  How about my hair? If I didn't take the time to brush it out, would I have least pulled it back or hidden it under a hat? Was I a hypocrite? My guy clothes were a little on the shabby side and I was unshaven. The rough, casual male look! lol!
I would like to think I would do all  the girl work above.
How much time would that have taken? I can go from guy to girl in about a half hour. Certainly I could go from girl to presentable girl in five minutes. Would have growing up as a girl erased my passion for looking the best I can? I hope not!
Years ago my very attractive sister in law would always take the time to so some eye work before ever leaving the house. She would say "I never know whom I going to meet and what is HE going to think of me."
She had a lot going for her to start with and she always tried to make herself better. You see that with a lot of attractive women.
Or do you?  What came first, good looks or good makeup?  Looks for sure but attractive women just seem to care more. That makes them attractive! There are many women do a wonderful job of looking nice but just as many around here who haven't seen a make up isle since Clinton was in office.
Life goes on. I grabbed my taste treats and headed home to the delight of two begging dogs.As I returned , I was safe in my belief I would put effort into being a presentable woman. Even if I was genetic. All was right in my little transgender world.
After all, it was time to turn my thoughts to what football jersey, boots and jeans I will be wearing this afternoon. It's game day and I'm watching college football with a girlfriend. It's a challenge to look girly in a football jersey but  I've watched many women look really feminine doing it. I plan on giving it my best shot!
Most of the time a little effort produces great results!

"Viewing" A good Idea?

During a mindless bout of channel surfing I ended up on "The View". For those of you lucky enough to know nothing about it, "The View" features four or five women such as Whoopi Goldberg and Barbra Walters. The girls discuss current topics and even manage to get in trouble on occasion. Not my cup of tea, even if it is served properly by Martha Stewart.  I would rather watch the trashy Kardashians and wonder how Kim does her eye makeup. Am I the only one to think Bruce Jenner is the biggest girl on that show?
At any rate, as soon as I flipped on the girls, they started talking about that poor kid who got so much publicity for wanting to go out on Halloween as a female Scooby Doo character. Their point was if the boy did it...Dad should have done it too.
Not a bad idea! Why should the ordeal have fallen directly on Mom's shoulders?
If my feeble mind serves me correct, wasn't there an old "Life according to Jim" TV show episode with a similar topic? The son wanted to be a female character on Halloween and after some protest Jim put on a dress and went with him.
The cynical side of me thinks that Mom wanted all this publicity? Boys being girls on Halloween has obviously been going on forever. In my youth, the kid down the street who was transformed into a very pretty girl never made the press. Most kids like that probably never dressed up like a girl again. Totally unlike the kid who went as a football player and now spends most of his time as a girl. (Guess who?)
So as always, "The View" missed the true point. In typical fashion, one of them made some off the wall comment about a man walking around in their underwear.  The conclusion? It was OK if it wasn't their man!
My expectations were low and they were met. Now what channel are the Kardashians on?

Friday, November 12, 2010

Indian Summer In Ohio

Days like yesterday we pay for later around here!Veteran's Day (A big thanks to all of you) Sunshine and high's near 70?
To top it all off...a day off.  I ran some mundane errands during the morning  and then got ready to go about 4 ish.
Plenty of time to roam the one mall I go to and take advantage of a free appetizer coupon at a restaurant.
I was forced to stop for gas at the last station in town. Car just doesn't run without it! As I pulled in, I did notice the television news van parked at one of the pumps.
I started to pump my gas and here he comes. Mr. young reporter enthusiastically asking me questions about a story that happened yesterday.  What was I doing, what did I think? I answered and then he said would I like to come over to the van and talk to them?
I quickly said "No, I have to be at work." He insisted and I said no I REALLY have to be at work and jumped in my car.
That would have been a real hoot.  A TV on TV! I can hear it now. Hey, there was a person who looked a lot like you on the 6 o clock news. Do you have a twin sister?
First the NFL this week and now this!
Well it didn't happen and the remainder of the day was pure heaven. I was able to be the real me with no negative public reaction. So much fun mixed in with relaxation is difficult to find!
I'm sure soon the warmer weather will be difficult to find to! I'm prepared though! Fuzzy warm sweater and fur lined boots are standing by to battle the elements!


  Image from Bruno Acquire on UnSplash.  In regard to yesterday's post concerning the Veterans Administration's announcement they we...