Sunday, August 8, 2010

A Woman's Perogative

To change her mind? How about her look?
About two weeks ago I settled into a new look.  My new hair color is almost black (very dark) and shorter and straighter than I've worn in a while.
I'm fortunate to know a couple hairdresser/beauticians who lend me their advice. One told me to "darken up the makeup and bring out the eyes with heavy black eye makeup." As I worked on the look, my eyes really did jump out.  I have greenish eyes that sort of took on a steel blue look. Very dramatic and quite fun! The final effect isn't so much Italian or Latino but somehow closer to a Native American look. (I'll have to get a picture to post)
The bottom line is that I seem to present better, especially to guys in my age bracket (more mature! lol!)
My problem is that I tried a longer strawberry blond look last night and fell in love with it! It's more of a fun (Harley Girl) look.
The bad thing is I hate leaving a successful look behind (for awhile).  The good thing is change is there for the taking. My friends are used to seeing me change styles.
In my eyes-it's a girl's birth right. I love it!

What's in a Name?

So many labels, so little time!
Are you a cross dresser or a trans sexual or a trans gendered person? As I venture out more and more I get those questions. The most confusing answer is "I'm a tweener". If you put cross dresser on one side of a spectrum and post op trans sexual on the other, I'm in the middle. I spend a portion of my life presenting as female. I'm too much girl for the cross dressers and not enough for the trans sexuals. I've had no hormone therapy or surgery.
But aren't trans sexual women cross dressers?  Yes in the sense they can never become full females in the strictest definition of the word. No if you consider they are totally feminized.
So it is no wonder the public is confused about us. So are we!
It is frustrating that the "T" in "GBLT" is only used when the gay community wants an extra group to push for their agenda. Plus, certain sites on the web seem to place more value on how far you've climbed up the TG ladder towards surgery.
The bottom line is that all of this revolves around labels. Humans need them.
Sometimes it's fun to describe a gender "tweener"! I love to be unique!

Media of One.

Recently Gladd released it's ratings of gay, lesbian and transgendered television shows and networks:

MTV, CW Top GLAAD 2009-2010 TV Ratings

All public scrutiny of the media is good and some day the stereotype of the demented crossdresser/transvestite may be behind us. In the meantime each of us who goes out into the public have an important job.

As we interact with clerks, servers or the public at large, we really are pioneers in a sense.  We combat the "Jerry Springer" sensationalism by showing people one at a time we are just people too! Rather than putting our pants on one leg at a time, it might be panty hose!

We are a media of one. We didn't ask for it but it is a huge responsibility we should be greatful for.

Back Up Plans

  JJ Hart visiting Key Largo. Following several near misses as a novice transgender woman out into the world, I began to smarten up and have...